The One Ring

Khandish - strong adn weak point
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Author:  Myrdin [ Tue May 03, 2011 6:41 am ]
Post subject:  Khandish - strong adn weak point

Hi there

soo i was considering to mix some khandish units into my easterling army, but just looking at them i dont see anything worth enough to actually play. Even the Chariot has no impact hits or smthing (like in WFB), and the army itself seem rather weak considering the point cost they demand to field.

I was hoping someone who playes the Khandish military force, might write here some kind of review, or something like that. Considering theyr strong points and weak points. Anyone up to this challange ?

Author:  spuds4ever [ Tue May 03, 2011 6:57 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Khandish - strong adn weak point

The best thing with Khand are the mercenaries. F4 troops at 7 points and F4 cavalry at 9 is extremely good value even considering 1/6 of them will not turn up. I think the Chariot can probably be acceptable if you put a khandish king in it as he has a good FV and will be able to do some damage. I would probably ally in some mercenary cavalry with your easterlings rather than kataphracts which are much worse imo.

Author:  hero of gondor [ Tue May 03, 2011 11:03 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Khandish - strong adn weak point

Khandish king: Worth taking, but not as a fighter but more as a leader, he works as a banner and if you put him on a chariot his range of his banner is very large.Hew can also put up a decen tfight but the large base is a large problem because you get much models against your king.
Khandish mercenary chieftain: Nice but risk for not showing up but at 45 point fight 5 is really good, and put him on horse never on foot or in chariot.
Khandish chieftain: Worth considering just like every normal captain in a army.
Khandisch rider: No not worth taking
khandish warriors: Fun models but not worth taking.
Khandish mercenary warriors: Some good frontline models, low defence is a problem but fight 4 and 7 points is really good.
Khandisch mercenary rider: Also good, 9 point for a mounted model fight 4 and if you look to other models on horse with fight 4 are over 15 points.
Chariot: One of the worst model ever made in the game.( not the model but rules).

Overall khand is not very strong because of the lack of spears. But an all mounted mercanry force with the shadowlord can be very good.

Author:  ForgottenLore [ Tue May 03, 2011 5:31 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Khandish - strong adn weak point

For SBG or WotR?

Author:  The Horde Lord [ Tue May 03, 2011 5:50 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Khandish - strong adn weak point

I'm pretty sure it's SBG considering it's Khand and they are all metal.

Author:  Dezartfox [ Tue May 03, 2011 10:59 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Khandish - strong adn weak point

Khandish armies are one of the only armies you can max out the model limit at 500pts with horses... probably 700pts too...

Chariots are terrible, awesome models and idea, but really bad rules.. shoot off the rider and the chariot just goes pop. Ok it's a 5 or 6 to hit the rider.. and then another 5 to kill him, but not that hard to do.

Author:  whafrog [ Wed May 04, 2011 1:32 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Khandish - strong adn weak point

Dezartfox wrote:
Khandish armies are one of the only armies you can max out the model limit at 500pts with horses... probably 700pts too...

Except with the mercenary rule you'll probably only end up with 42...still pretty good for all cavalry. I really like the king in a chariot, at least how he looks, it's almost worth fielding him just for looks alone :) You'd think though that when they released the camel rules they'd have revised the chariots to do something similar...

Author:  The Horde Lord [ Wed May 04, 2011 7:53 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Khandish - strong adn weak point

ironicly, the chariots are best used against another Khand army.

And by the way, when comparing mercenaries to other troops you should add 20% (the five remaining must take the cost for the one who flees) to their points cost and ignore the sellsword rule. i have seen far too many people go: Oh my god, F4 for 7 points.

Author:  Myrdin [ Wed May 04, 2011 8:33 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Khandish - strong adn weak point

Yeh its true the charriot stats pretty much suck. Well basically the Khandish aint much better.
Rather then them i was Considering Serpent guard, who are around the same price and have the Warspear rule (lance) when mounted. This might be quite usefull when mixed with some Kataphrakts as the shielding unit.

BTW: One thing that srsly bothers me when playing around with the Fallen Realms faction, is that they cant give a real "punch" i mean, all basic easterling have F3 S3. same goes for Haradrim, though Watchers of Kharma do look nice, they got bad defense and still only S3 , which aint that great.
i was considering getting some Half trolls mixed in the main bulk of my easterling force. They got 2W/A and 5 F/S/D which, when protected by easterling until you could charge the enemy, and then getting support from spears and pikes, might do the job against some heavy armoured units like Dwarfs and such. Any idea ? Or should i go for Mordor troll instead, though he seems to draw more fire on himself, and i could get only one for the price of 5 halftrolls....
Abrakhan Guard seem viable as well, though weaker then HTrolls, they have 2handed weapons without the -1 penalty. Though they got only 4 F/S/D and 1 W/A they cost only 8pts, a bit stronger then easterlings, with less defense but more offense, these guys might be a nice mix as well.
Still better then any Khandish unit though :P

Author:  whafrog [ Wed May 04, 2011 1:18 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Khandish - strong adn weak point

If you're looking for punch, You might consider Mahud, especially on camels with a war spear. You need a Mahud King to lead them (the chief runs too easily) and need to be extra aggressive with him when broken.

Author:  Beowulf03809 [ Wed May 04, 2011 10:08 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Khandish - strong adn weak point

whafrog wrote:
If you're looking for punch, You might consider Mahud, especially on camels with a war spear. You need a Mahud King to lead them (the chief runs too easily) and need to be extra aggressive with him when broken.

I've played against mounted Mahud a couple times in competitions and was impressed by them. But they can be a glass hammer if I remember right...taking out their leader seemed to be an effective tactic, even more so than when facing Goblins. I need to look at their profiles and rules to confirm. But when they were running well they were pretty deadly.

I like the Half Trolls as an option, but prefer not to see forces with too many mixes of troop types...just personal preference. Mahud + Half Trolls would make a strong center.

Oh...and you might as well get a Mumuk. :D

Author:  Ultragreek [ Thu May 05, 2011 6:48 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Khandish - strong adn weak point

One of the big disadvntage sis that you dont have many warriors to choose.You have not named hero(if you play legions of middle earth)Khamul would be good to use.

Author:  Myrdin [ Thu May 05, 2011 7:54 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Khandish - strong adn weak point

Ultragreek wrote:
One of the big disadvntage sis that you dont have many warriors to choose.You have not named hero(if you play legions of middle earth)Khamul would be good to use.

Yes you have. Amdur lord of blades. He came out in WD supplement called togather with Elven Stormcaller, Druzhag and Son of Eorl. Took me damn 2 days to find this on the internet but eventually i prevailed.

Author:  Ultragreek [ Fri May 06, 2011 7:16 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Khandish - strong adn weak point

Oh yes i forgot his rules were on the internet...Sorry.

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