The One Ring

Best Third Age SBG army to include Last Alliance elves?
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Author:  Angularity [ Tue May 10, 2011 10:06 am ]
Post subject:  Best Third Age SBG army to include Last Alliance elves?

I received the box of the Last Alliance recently. The Numenoreans were quickly conscripted into my Gondor Army, with a very tasteful green paint job. But what to do with the Elves? I fancy the idea of a Rivendell force, something hero-heavy (Glorfindel/Elrond/mounted twins) with a couple of other packs of something interesting. Something to represent the last ride of the Noldor in Middle Earth. How well do the Galadhrim knights fit (stylistically) with the Second Age elves? The seem OK apart from the helmets. I've looked at the pictures, but I'd appreciate some input from anyone who's got the figures.

I appreciate that spending £80 to save £10 makes no sense at all...I just want a low figure count/high power army to go with my Gondor (foot based) and Rohan (80% mounted) forces. Clearly my Morgul Host will kick the tree-huggers into next week, anyway 8)

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