The One Ring

WOTR Mordor Army 2000pts (Is this too powerful?)
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Author:  GothmogtheWerewolf [ Fri Aug 12, 2011 2:44 pm ]
Post subject:  WOTR Mordor Army 2000pts (Is this too powerful?)

As the title says, I nearly have enoughmodels to play this WOTR army, but before I complete it I w ould just lik too ask your opinions as to whether this is too powerful to use against people in my local GW, and if I should thus make a few changes, to make it less good, or maybe you think it's not good enough (ifthat's the case I won't make any changes). So here's the list:

Epic Heroes:
Khamul the Easterling
The Betrayer
Gothmog, Castellan of Minas Morgul
Kardush the Firecaller

Legendary Formations:
Winged Nazgul (The Dwimmerlaik)

Common Formations:
Mordor Orc Warband (6 companies) with two-handed weapons, Orc Captain, Banner Bearer (Khamul goes here)
Mordor Orc Warband (3 companies) with bows
Mordor Orc Warband (3 companies) with shields (Kardush starts here)
Morannon Orc Warband (6 companies) with shields, Orc Captain (the Betrayer goes here)
Warg Rider Warband (6 companies) with shields, Orc Drummer (Gothmog goes here)
Warg Rider Warband (2 companies) wih bows
Mordor Uruk-hai Warband (3 companies) with two-handed weapons, Uruk-hai Captain (Kardush falls back into here)

Rare Formations:
Mordor Troll Chieftain
Orc War Lord in Chariot (Khandish King)
Siege Bow Battery (1 company)
Siege Bow Battery (1 company)
Black Guard of Barad-dur (3 companies) with Guard Captain, Banner Bearer, Uruk-hai Drummer
Gorgoroth Peasant Archers (Sharkey's Ruffians) (1 company)

Total Points: 2,000 exactly
No of formations: 14
No of Companies: 37Might Points: 18

Thankyou :)

Author:  Killerkatanas [ Sat Aug 13, 2011 1:04 am ]
Post subject:  Re: WOTR Mordor Army 2000pts (Is this too powerful?)

I regularly play 2000 points with Mordor.

One of my choices is the battlehost formation "Black Legion" of Mordor. I have had lots of success with it, and have beat many of the super-combos using it. I suggest that you include it and make sure you use the maximum number of trolls. I would stay away from a winged nazgul and just put them in the formation.

Tomorow I play a 2500 point battle of Gondor vs Mordor.


Author:  oxford_guy [ Sat Aug 13, 2011 1:05 am ]
Post subject:  Re: WOTR Mordor Army 2000pts (Is this too powerful?)

If its an help I lent my army of Uraki which is 8,000 models and has a total value of 72,000 points although I don't currently play but my friend dose and manged to take on a team of 10 players from their local store so 2000 point is not that much when you think the average army is 1500 points and a couple of the members in my store often battled with 3000 points and you can always reduce it for certain battles. I'm not an expert as I don't play but I do make a point of seeing what people are playing with, but I'm sure someone more experienced will be able to give some more constructive advice.

With regards,


Author:  ForgottenLore [ Sat Aug 13, 2011 1:39 am ]
Post subject:  Re: WOTR Mordor Army 2000pts (Is this too powerful?)

I'm a little confused here.

It looks like you are asking whether or not your list is overly cheesy and min/maxed (I don't think it is, but it can be hard to judge those sorts of things without actually playing it) but everyone seems to be responding as if you were asking whether 2000 points is too large an army to collect (which it is not, in fact, I would say 2000 points is about the right size for a "typical" WotR game.)

Author:  Gildor Inglorion [ Sat Aug 13, 2011 7:26 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: WOTR Mordor Army 2000pts (Is this too powerful?)

I think it looks good for a Mordor army--not too many wraiths, only one formation of Morannons, and some good troop variety. In my opinion it looks strong but not overpowered, and should be fun to play against. Try it out and if you're consistently crushing your opponents you could always swap out Khamul & the Betrayer for some of the less powerful wraiths.

The only thing I might change would be to field the Warg Riders in smaller formations of 4 companies and use them as harrassing units. I've found they don't do so well as head-on assault units, but that's just my opinion. I would also consider having a captain in the formation of Orc archers... they won't kill much on their own but are useful for taking down monsters and such if they have a captain to boost rolls on the HTK table.

Gorgoroth Peasant Archers


Hope that helped!

Author:  Xelee [ Sat Aug 13, 2011 10:02 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: WOTR Mordor Army 2000pts (Is this too powerful?)

ForgottenLore wrote:
(which it is not, in fact, I would say 2000 points is about the right size for a "typical" WotR game.)

*ahem* :)

GothmogtheWerewolf, as regards your question, what you have is perfectly fine for 2000 pts and I particularly like the little touches, Orc in Chariot, Gorogoroth Peasants etc. Gothmog, Betrayer& Khamul would be somewhat of a standard for 1000pts Mordor, if there were no restrictions, so while they look a bit 'default Mordor' - the fact that this is 2000 not 1000 pts makes a big difference and its what you've done with the extra points that makes it. I really like Black Guard of Barad-Dur as well. If you get a unit like that (Carn Dum Barbarians are bad enough) into combat with the right spells involved, they carve up.


Author:  GothmogtheWerewolf [ Sun Aug 14, 2011 7:53 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: WOTR Mordor Army 2000pts (Is this too powerful?)

Thankyou for your replies everyone. Xelee, thankyou for your reply and about the Black Guards, I used some once but they never got the charge, with a bit of magic and might though, they should be the brutal hard-hitting centre I've heard they could be. Cheers and thanks, I can rest easy using this list now.
Also to Gildor, thank you too, and as for your advice, firstly the wargs, I thought that someone would say that, but one of my main motives for trying a large cavalry block is becaue noone else seems to and I want to try it out, and with Gothmog and a Drummer they should still be fast enough to get in an enemy's flanks and do some damage, and woe befall those who duel their 'captain'. And as for the archer captain, if I can't fit all my cavalry into the cases, then I'll drop the mounted archers to use my converted archer captain.
Thanks ForgottenLore, also yes the first few responses were not what I was asking and thanks for your input.
Oxford Guy, welcome to the forom, I see your new, but I wasn't asking if it was too big too use, about your uruks, did you seriously buy 400 boxes of uruks, are you trying to get the 10,000 from the film. If so I applaud you
Brian (killerkatanas), again, it's not the size, I'd play at 5,000pts if I could, I hope your game goes welll, and about the troll battelhost, I do actually have enough trolls, but why 6 and not 3 or 4, and I don't want to buy another box of Morannon to field it though.

Author:  oxford_guy [ Sun Aug 14, 2011 8:42 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: WOTR Mordor Army 2000pts (Is this too powerful?)

Yes at some point I will be buying another 2000 urkia but they will have have to take a backseat for a while as I have other projects I'm working on first ie my Knights of Dol Amroth and my entire Helms Deep collection is being sent to France in Jan for 6 months so I will probably do the remaining 3000 models I need for it once its back in the UK. By which time I would of completed by latest armies and also hopefully built my castle of Dol Amroth well at least that's my plan at least lol.



Author:  GothmogtheWerewolf [ Sun Aug 14, 2011 10:54 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: WOTR Mordor Army 2000pts (Is this too powerful?)

Well, I applaud your goal, you must have money. I hope you do well.

Author:  oxford_guy [ Mon Aug 15, 2011 12:16 am ]
Post subject:  Re: WOTR Mordor Army 2000pts (Is this too powerful?)

hey thanks and yes ive been lucky in love to make it into the modeling world which means im very lucky to have a lot more expendable cash than most and what better way to spend it :D

Author:  ForgottenLore [ Mon Aug 15, 2011 3:42 am ]
Post subject:  Re: WOTR Mordor Army 2000pts (Is this too powerful?)

GothmogtheWerewolf wrote:
one of my main motives for trying a large cavalry block is becaue noone else seems to and I want to try it out, and with Gothmog and a Drummer they should still be fast enough to get in an enemy's flanks and do some damage,

I used to run a 9 company formation of wild wargs. I discovered that the speed isn't the issue, its the maneuverability. Getting a big block of companies like that to swing around a flank was tricky and THAT was what kept slowing me down. Generally ended up that they didn't actually get into position until turn 5 or so, or the enemy was able to send a small harassment unit to get in their way. Still, it wasn't that a big block didn't work, I just found it a little too frustrating for me, can't tell you how many times I had 9 companies of wargs and just a couple trays of pikemen in the way slowing them down.

Author:  Xelee [ Mon Aug 15, 2011 5:52 am ]
Post subject:  Re: WOTR Mordor Army 2000pts (Is this too powerful?)

GothmogtheWerewolf wrote:
Thankyou for your replies everyone. Xelee, thankyou for your reply and about the Black Guards, I used some once but they never got the charge, with a bit of magic and might though, they should be the brutal hard-hitting centre I've heard they could be. Cheers and thanks, I can rest easy using this list now.

Re: 'center' - I think the Black Guard are a unit that can get a lot out of having 'wingmen', though the wingmen would actually be forward of them. I do this a bit with small units of cav, run in column, and I also do it with my 2HW troops. This makes it harder for enemies to inflict damage on them, though WOTR does have very permissive LOS rules. It is pretty straightforward to make it so that if they ever want to charge your Blackguard, they will have to do so in column and then one or both wingmen will get flank charges. Since you can give them 'Wings of Terror', you just need to leave enough space in front of your own line for the Black Guard to spread out laterally and then you wont be in a position where you are wasting a good unit charging in column.


Author:  GothmogtheWerewolf [ Mon Aug 15, 2011 12:32 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: WOTR Mordor Army 2000pts (Is this too powerful?)

ForgottenLore wrote:
GothmogtheWerewolf wrote:
one of my main motives for trying a large cavalry block is becaue noone else seems to and I want to try it out, and with Gothmog and a Drummer they should still be fast enough to get in an enemy's flanks and do some damage,

I used to run a 9 company formation of wild wargs. I discovered that the speed isn't the issue, its the maneuverability. Getting a big block of companies like that to swing around a flank was tricky and THAT was what kept slowing me down. Generally ended up that they didn't actually get into position until turn 5 or so, or the enemy was able to send a small harassment unit to get in their way. Still, it wasn't that a big block didn't work, I just found it a little too frustrating for me, can't tell you how many times I had 9 companies of wargs and just a couple trays of pikemen in the way slowing them down.

Ah, but I wouldn't go for 9 companies either, and not even 6 for a formation without a drummer/hornblower, I think the wargs 22" speed, will give them maneuverability. If someone sticks a small formation in front, then it's a heroic fight for me.

Author:  GothmogtheWerewolf [ Mon Aug 15, 2011 12:36 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: WOTR Mordor Army 2000pts (Is this too powerful?)

Xelee wrote:
GothmogtheWerewolf wrote:
Thankyou for your replies everyone. Xelee, thankyou for your reply and about the Black Guards, I used some once but they never got the charge, with a bit of magic and might though, they should be the brutal hard-hitting centre I've heard they could be. Cheers and thanks, I can rest easy using this list now.

Re: 'center' - I think the Black Guard are a unit that can get a lot out of having 'wingmen', though the wingmen would actually be forward of them. I do this a bit with small units of cav, run in column, and I also do it with my 2HW troops. This makes it harder for enemies to inflict damage on them, though WOTR does have very permissive LOS rules. It is pretty straightforward to make it so that if they ever want to charge your Blackguard, they will have to do so in column and then one or both wingmen will get flank charges. Since you can give them 'Wings of Terror', you just need to leave enough space in front of your own line for the Black Guard to spread out laterally and then you wont be in a position where you are wasting a good unit charging in column.


I was planning on keeping them single file in the centre, an inch behind the others until necessary, thanks for your tacticas of course even though it's very similar from what I originally planned to do, though in hindsight I had polanned on changing that, but thanks to you I will revert back to plan A, I've heard great thins from the WoT spell.

Author:  ForgottenLore [ Mon Aug 15, 2011 1:58 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: WOTR Mordor Army 2000pts (Is this too powerful?)

GothmogtheWerewolf wrote:
Ah, but I wouldn't go for 9 companies either, and not even 6 for a formation without a drummer/hornblower, I think the wargs 22" speed, will give them maneuverability. If someone sticks a small formation in front, then it's a heroic fight for me.

Ah man, your wargs get a drummer :-X The only upgrade I can get for my Wild Wargs is a Chieftain (captain). (although getting to use the awesome Wild Warg Chieftain miniature is a fair amount of compensation for the lack of other upgrades :-D )

Author:  GothmogtheWerewolf [ Mon Aug 15, 2011 2:51 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: WOTR Mordor Army 2000pts (Is this too powerful?)

I agree that the Warg Chieftain model is awesome. Wouldn't it be weird if wild wargs could have drummers and banner bearesrs, taskmasters etc...

Author:  ForgottenLore [ Mon Aug 15, 2011 6:54 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: WOTR Mordor Army 2000pts (Is this too powerful?)

GothmogtheWerewolf wrote:
I agree that the Warg Chieftain model is awesome. Wouldn't it be weird if wild wargs could have drummers and banner bearesrs, taskmasters etc...

Yes, yes it would. Doesn't mean I would like to have the game effects though.

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