The One Ring

Arrogant SBG player wants to start WOTR
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Author:  SuicidalMarsbar [ Sat Sep 03, 2011 8:59 am ]
Post subject:  Arrogant SBG player wants to start WOTR

Hello, alot of you know me from SBG topics and im thinking of expanding my horizons into WoTr... i don't know why.

I shall receive the rulebook soon so this is kinda a prep thread but don't hold back any technical terms, i used to play WoTr when it first came out, so i may not have forgotten everything about the game :P

I have a few sbg armies, but none of them really number in over thirty or so models except for two: my dwarves and my goblins. This post is just me asking what sort of points level in WoTR will be looking at with these two armies, here is what i have:

48 warriors
24 rangers
a command set
6 khazad guards
A BIG supply of good heroes to ally in (legolas, aragorn, saruman, gandalf etc etc)

Misty Mountains:
48 goblins
22 wargs
4 giant spiders
spider queen
warg chief
A dragon
2 cave trolls

I was hoping i could ally the necromancer into a misty mountains army, is this possible?

Author:  Hilbert [ Sat Sep 03, 2011 9:20 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Arrogant SBG player wants to start WOTR

Here is an army you can possible have:
2 comapnies of dwarf warriors with THW with captain
2 companies of dwarf warriors with shield with banner bearer
2 companies of dwarf archers
1 company of dwarf rangers with thw
1 company of dwarf rangers
1 company of dwarf ranger with bows
805 points with six formations
You can add allies to go it to 1000 points army...

Now for the evil army:
2 companies of goblins
2 companies of goblins with bows
2 companies of goblins with shields
8 companies of wargs
3 companies of wargs with warg chieftain
2 comapnies of giant spiders
spider queen
2x cave trolls
815 points with 6 common formations and 3 rare
( You can use also allies to go it up to 1000 points again)
Hope I helped, this is army for begginers but if you want more tactic built armies just say it... :-D

Author:  SuicidalMarsbar [ Sat Sep 03, 2011 12:25 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Arrogant SBG player wants to start WOTR

Thanks Hilbert, so i can reach 1000pts with both collections but they wouldn't seem to be particularly great because i'd be throwing in loads of captains/heroes to hit the points limit. Should i get another box of dwarf rangers and a million or so more goblins then? :P I understand Gimli in a unit of KG is deadly, can i make a company out of 6 KG, Gimli and a banner bearer, or will 1 company just get destroyed. One more question: Can i freely include an ent or a giant eagle without needing to lead them with a "hero"? Does the same apply for allied warriors?

Author:  Hilbert [ Sat Sep 03, 2011 12:33 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Arrogant SBG player wants to start WOTR

So look:
1. Another box of dwarf rangers would be good... Also two box of goblin warriors would help.
2. You can have khazad guard with Gimli and a banner ebarer but with this Gimli would not be able to leave to another company until one of your warriors is dead(Not the banner bearer.) Also one comapny can die so amybe you should get some khazad guard blisters if you can.
3.You can include allies without a hero from their army as logn as the allies aren't more than the 25% of you army points...So for example if you have a 1000 points army you can have up to 250 points of allies.
Hope I helped you. 8)

Author:  SuicidalMarsbar [ Sat Sep 03, 2011 12:39 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Arrogant SBG player wants to start WOTR

Ok, if i got an ent instead of more rangers d'you reckon it would be worth it? Or are numbers much more important?

Author:  Hilbert [ Sat Sep 03, 2011 1:17 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Arrogant SBG player wants to start WOTR

Look, ents are strong and kill 3 warrios a turn(Not sure but mose times) and also strike first...
They are hard to kill
As for the rangers one company formation dies easily if it is not indomitable and also they have 8 attacks so at this point is better to inscrease your numbers...
But if you want take the ent... It's your army... :-D
Hope I helped a lot 8)

Author:  Legolas7 [ Sat Sep 03, 2011 1:35 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Arrogant SBG player wants to start WOTR

I agree with Hilbert cause numbers when you are a beginner counts most... 8)

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