The One Ring

Anyone want to split a box of Rangers of Middle Earth?
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Author:  FireKnife [ Mon Sep 19, 2011 11:27 am ]
Post subject:  Anyone want to split a box of Rangers of Middle Earth?

Well as the title says i am only after one sprue (12) of the Rangers of Middle Earth set but i don't want to have to pay all of £20.50 for 24 when i will never need 24.

So does anybody on here want to help us out by taking the other half of the boxed set for half the cost of the box (£10.25) plus a £1 for postage?

In fact if i can sort this out soon the local Hobbycraft have them for £16.50 so can split that down the middle for £8.25 with a £1 for postage.

Sorry this appears twice but wasn't 100% sure where to put this, so please delete the one this doesn't fit into.


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