The One Ring

Tips for 500pts Army of Thror
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Author:  Scib [ Thu Jul 25, 2013 12:23 am ]
Post subject:  Tips for 500pts Army of Thror

Main adversary at the moment is Goblin Town with King, Scribe, Captains, hordes of goblins.

At the moment the models I have are Thorins Company and 24 Grimhammers. I will be buying some reinforcements soon so would like some advice on what to get.

I find the Grimhammers ok but I just get overwhelmed by goblins especially with the goblin scribe, any ideas on how to deal with him?

As for heroes I find Thorin and Dwalin ok but they are a lot of points. Balin has been useful with his longbeard rule and is fairly cheap. How many heroes should I be aiming for at this points level?

Author:  JamesR [ Thu Jul 25, 2013 3:40 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Tips for 500pts Army of Thror

Two or three heroes for this point level. Bifur and Dori arr very useful combat heroes for their points, unfortunately they cannot lead troops. I'd honestly say field your Grim Hammers as Warriors of Erebor, Grim Hammers point for point are terrible

Author:  Denizen [ Thu Jul 25, 2013 8:39 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Tips for 500pts Army of Thror

Thorin + Orcrist + Oakenshield + Pony = F6, S4, D3 Wounds and charge bonus; yes please!
Dwalin + Pony = F6, S5, burly and charge bonus, killing Goblins on 2+ with 8 dices; yes please!

When Goblin Town isn't allied with Moria for Channeled Fury casting Moria Shamans you shouldn't have that much trouble :) Just make sure you can get Thorin in combat with the Goblin King, you don't want Dwarfs be hurled through your line!

Thorin - pony, Oakenshield, Orcrist
6 Warriors of Erebor - shield
6 Warriors of Erebor - spear

Dwalin - pony
5 Warriors of Erebor - shield
3 Warriors of Erebor - shield, spear
2 Warriors of Erebor - spear
1 Warrior of Erebor - shield, banner


500 points, 26 dwarfs, 6 might

So the idea is to win EVERY combat to make sure you don't lose any men while Thorin and Dwalin do all the killing. Oin can provide healing if necessary. Ofcourse the banner + Oin can we switched for a more usefull hero if desired.

Author:  Scib [ Fri Jul 26, 2013 1:01 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Tips for 500pts Army of Thror

I will definitely be picking up some warriors or erebor.

It looks like a great idea with the heroes on ponies but the only thing stopping me would be converting them to be honest.

Author:  SuicidalMarsbar [ Fri Jul 26, 2013 6:09 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Tips for 500pts Army of Thror

Use Grimhammers as khazad guard and ally in a dwarf shieldbearer/other 'Durn's folk' hero. That said Denizen's list looks like the nastiest list ever!

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