The One Ring

How to destroy Isengard(mainly Uruks)
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Author:  LordoftheBrownRing [ Wed Feb 19, 2014 11:03 pm ]
Post subject:  How to destroy Isengard(mainly Uruks)

How to. I was looking through pages to find a good guide but theres nothing concise.

The biggest threat I see to this army are Dwarves because they have higher defense overall as a force and are just as strong with better heros.

Advice on their weaknesses?

Author:  Bernardo [ Wed Feb 19, 2014 11:26 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: How to destroy Isengard(mainly Uruks)

I had the most succes by outnumbering them with hordes of goblins and some trolls (goblin king) to hurl the pikemen.
You could also use big heroes as isengard has none to counter.
Or magic, or terror.

Author:  LordoftheBrownRing [ Thu Feb 20, 2014 12:11 am ]
Post subject:  Re: How to destroy Isengard(mainly Uruks)

Did you deal with large amounts of crossbows ever?

Author:  SuicidalMarsbar [ Thu Feb 20, 2014 1:26 am ]
Post subject:  Re: How to destroy Isengard(mainly Uruks)

Force them into breaking the pike block by catapulting heroes through the ranks with heroic combats. Monsters are handy. Crossbows are tough but easy to out manoeuvre.

Magic ain't great against isengard, the heroes are too low level to be worth the pts investment and sorcerous blast has a hard time against the high d.

Author:  JamesR [ Thu Feb 20, 2014 2:09 am ]
Post subject:  Re: How to destroy Isengard(mainly Uruks)

Uruk's have two major weaknesses. They're very points heavy, but not the best individual troopers in game.

So there's obviously two ways to approach it, out-number and swarm them, or out-class them.

Dwarves are the best IMO for out-classing Uruks. You have enough defense that you can take a strike from a Uruk and enough killing power to kill them easily enough. Iron Guard are not recommended against Uruks, their Defense is too low IMO.
Khazad and Dwarves with shield are your main troops to take down the Uruks, also a few (no less than 2-3) Vault Warden teams and some Dwarf Rangers with DLB (hid behind higher defense units) are highly recommended to counter cross-bows with your own range.

As to swarming there's an abundance of factions that can accomplish this. My experience is with Moria and Haradrim (separately).

With Harad bring plenty of Raiders and Serpent Guard as their Lances are essential, also bring large numbers of standard warriors and some Abrakhan Guard, Half-trolls etc to add some punch and better FV. Harad has a good shot at out-shooting the Uruks even though their bows are weaker with poison and the 50% limit. Also a Hasharin will absolutely cut through Uruk armor like a hot-knife through butter, and his Elven cloak will help keep him safe from cross-bow fire.

Moria is one of the easiest and most straight-forward strategies. Take tons of troops as your's are at 50% (or less) of the cost of a Uruk, simply swarm and surround pike-blocks or other tight formations to trap and use the formation against them. Out-shoot enemy archers through weight of numbers and volume of fire.
Be sure to bring multiple Shamen (even at 400 points) and a few black-shields or Marauders can provide killing power to match or exceed the Uruks.

Hope that helps

Author:  Maloric [ Thu Feb 20, 2014 4:06 am ]
Post subject:  Re: How to destroy Isengard(mainly Uruks)

As an avid Uruk-Hai player, my boys really hate swarms of good Defense and anyone who can match them in blade-work. As James just said, Dwarves are a bleeding nightmare to fight (Hell with any faction. I literally refuse to fight Dwarf players, it isn't even fun to lose against them) since they're relatively affordable and pretty much negate Uruk-Hai strength and match them in blade-work.

On the other hand, other factions have a good chance with fielding a lot of good Defense grunts. Gondor or Easterlings (<-- I fight Easerlings an awful lot) can deploy much thicker blocks than I can. The stupid player matches my front rank in size: The smarter one thins his line out to enroach on my block flanks. Uruk-Hai Pikemen don't have shields and they tend to bite the dust pretty whopping quickly without a shielded trooper to protect/assist them.

Even lower defense armies have a good hope. So long as you can rank them up and still have enough men to wrap around my pike-blocks AND make sure they're adequately supported with Heroes and the like, you're pretty much good to go.

EDIT: Your only real defense against crossbows is the fact mine can't move in shoot. Erego, they can get out-shot by agile shooters (Especially if you're using more than I am), especially if Lady Luck grants you the initiative here and there. 12 Uruk Crossbows are scary but if you get the jump on them with two initiative wins and some clever footwork, they'll get whittled down fairly quickly and start to seriously lose their punch.

Author:  whafrog [ Thu Feb 20, 2014 5:10 am ]
Post subject:  Re: How to destroy Isengard(mainly Uruks)

My fave against uruks is wood elves, maybe with some Galadhrim with shields in front. Elf bows are good against pikes, as are TD. Spears allow shielding to control bottlenecks. In larger armies, I had a great time with Radagast's Channelled Aura of Dismay combined with Galadriel (fighty version) and her Terror bubble.

I do find the xbows generally the toughest part to deal with, if they find a good perch they are hard to dislodge. I'm sure getting some cavalry in there would work, if only they weren't always intercepted :)

On occasion I've done okay with Gondor, believe it or not, but all the bows were Rangers, and I had FC behind my WoMT. I still managed to outnumber them because I took cheap heroes. But even with outnumbering you can't go line-against-line, you have to force your opponent to break his lines and spread out so as to create opportunities to draw off the pikes or leave them open to shooting.

Author:  Dr Grant [ Thu Feb 20, 2014 10:43 am ]
Post subject:  Re: How to destroy Isengard(mainly Uruks)

As a regular Isengard player dwarves are what I fear the most. They tie my fight value, if they're D7 they negate the S4 of my warriors and crossbows and they wound me on 5s. That means my crossbows can't do as much damage as normal before the lines clash. From that point on we're as likely as each other to win fights but the dwarf player will kill more. I've had some good games against Southern Dunedain's D7 Erebor army where I've won more fights than him but been unable to kill the dwarves and over time he's worn me down and beaten me.

Author:  LordoftheBrownRing [ Thu Feb 20, 2014 11:33 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: How to destroy Isengard(mainly Uruks)

Thanks everyone for quality responses!

Dr Grant wrote:
As a regular Isengard player dwarves are what I fear the most. They tie my fight value, if they're D7 they negate the S4 of my warriors and crossbows and they wound me on 5s. That means my crossbows can't do as much damage as normal before the lines clash. From that point on we're as likely as each other to win fights but the dwarf player will kill more. I've had some good games against Southern Dunedain's D7 Erebor army where I've won more fights than him but been unable to kill the dwarves and over time he's worn me down and beaten me.

What advice would you give to take them on. The reason I made this topic is Isengard will by my force for a tournament and I see Dwarves being a pain, and I know people will probably field Thorin and Erebor and Mirkwood a lot because of the releases

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