The One Ring

Easterlings 500pts
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Author:  Barrel Rider [ Mon Jun 30, 2014 10:50 pm ]
Post subject:  Easterlings 500pts

So I have been abroad for a while now and have been enjoying Warhammer fantasy for a period. As such I am a bit rusty on my army building and wondering of this list is workable. It is for a campaign at my local GW and I believe the main enemy's are Harad, Rangers of Gondor, Dwarves and a hobbit themed hero list. Thanks!

Warband 1- 322pts
Amdûr, Lord of Blades
W/ Armoured Horse
X12 Black Dragon Kataphrakt
W/ War Drum

Warband 2- 108pts
Easterling War Priest
X12 Black Dragons
W/ x12 shields, x3 pikes and a banner

Warband 3- 70pts
Dragon Knight

6 Might
0 Bows
14 Break Point

Author:  JamesR [ Mon Jun 30, 2014 11:40 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Easterlings 500pts

I don't see why it couldn't work. You need to understand of course where your strengths and weaknesses lie of course. You should do good against the Gondor force but the rest of the factions could cause trouble for you. Harad has good hitting power, Dwarves can just out fight you, so be careful how you engage in combat

Author:  Danglos [ Tue Jul 01, 2014 1:10 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Easterlings 500pts

I'd suggest maybe dropping the banner and wardrum, and switching the Dragon knight out for a captain, then any remaining points get some more infantry. I'd also recomment getting more pikes in your warrior warband.

Author:  Valadorn [ Tue Jul 01, 2014 10:01 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Easterlings 500pts

Difficult list to play, but I think this is a good army. Feedback about if it works or not would be appreciated!

Author:  Hodush [ Tue Jul 01, 2014 10:17 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Easterlings 500pts

Interesting list, definitely nothing "wrong" with it.
I would strongly advise removing the drum, not sure why you want this. You already have sufficient movement and you can use the points elsewhere for a longer lasting and better bonus than what the drum would give.

Author:  rigg1313 [ Tue Jul 01, 2014 10:35 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Easterlings 500pts

Before I give any advice I think you need to add up your points again, I think your a little bit off. Especially in the second warband. :)

Author:  Elf of the North [ Tue Jul 01, 2014 2:10 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Easterlings 500pts

rigg1313 is correct. Your list is 600 points, but perhaps that's what you want?

Author:  Barrel Rider [ Tue Jul 01, 2014 6:12 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Easterlings 500pts

Doh! Only 100pts off! Well taking into consideration what was said before my mistake was noticed I will make this one a bit larger. I thought the drum was a good idea because I have no ranged weapons so the movement gets me across the battlefield. However...

Warband 1- 214pts
Amdûr, Lord of Blades
W/ Armored horse
X12 Easterling Warriors
W/ x12 Shields, x3 Pikes

Warband 2-164pts
Easterling Captain
W/Shield, Armoured Horse
X12 Easterling Warriors
W/ x12 Shields, x3 Pikes

Warband 3-115pts
War Preist
W/ Armoured Horse
X5 Easterling Warriors
W/ Bows

So the plan is to keep the first two warbands together as it hits the enemy. The War Preist escorts the archers to a building then joins the other hero's using bladewrath. The hero's are mounted to give them extra attacks if they charge and for speed. This list is very different and I have a couple of questions. Should I swap the War Priest for a Captain, are the hero's horses a good idea and should I redo it again so I can get some Kataphrakts? Thanks

Author:  Elf of the North [ Tue Jul 01, 2014 6:45 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Easterlings 500pts

I would recommend taking some more pikes. The shaman should probably be with your main contingent of warriors to make best use of his channeled fury. Also, giving bowmen pikes gives you more flexibility.

What do you think of this list:

Warband 1
Amdûr, Lord of Blades
4*Black Dragon Kataphrakt

Warband 2
Easterling captain w. Easterling halberd and shield
4*Easterling Warrior w. shield
3*Easterling Warrior w. bow and pike
4*Black Dragon Warrior w. shield and pike

Warband 3
Easterling War Priest
4*Easterling Warrior w. shield
3*Easterling Warrior w. bow and pike
4*Black Dragon Warrior w. shield and pike

Author:  rigg1313 [ Wed Jul 02, 2014 12:46 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Easterlings 500pts

Easterling Archers really are not worth it so I would always take the war drum (your opponent starts to worry when your cavalry moves 13inches!!!!). If you really want archers the best option would be Khandish horsemen (because they are underpriced) or ally in Watchers of Karna or something. I also take my Easterling Dragon Knight and War Priest mounted for manoeuvrability.

Author:  Hodush [ Wed Jul 02, 2014 2:09 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Easterlings 500pts

Easterling bows are quite good, especially if you go for 50%.
I agree on getting more pikes - you don't want to have too many troops with just shields, as you will get caught up on terrain by a half decent player. It's very frustrating GW didn't make more in each pack.

Your second list is quite ok. I like to have options, so its not a list I'd enjoy playing multiple times, but I have made a Numenor force much the same, and it does ok, so it can definitely put in a good game.
It's good to have heroes on horses.
Keep the war priest I think. If you can use fury with him and break the enemy, you stand a much better chance of winning the battle. Play to your strengths - high defence, hard to break.

Initially I liked the choice of mounted troops, but its better to have a cohesive force at 500 pts, so having them all on foot is a better option. However, you might find the drummer to be more effective now, where the cavalry movement before made him less so.

Troops would move 9" with the drummer, Cavalry 15", if I recall correctly.

Author:  Barrel Rider [ Wed Jul 02, 2014 6:26 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Easterlings 500pts

Thanks Elf of the North, but as someone said the pikes are only 2 in a box of 10 easterlings so that would raise the cost of the models and I am not very good at conversion! During today I only just realized that in my original list I could just take away the Dragon Knight, the war drum and the banner and it would total 495pts. So opinions on that?

Author:  Hodush [ Thu Jul 03, 2014 3:02 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Easterlings 500pts

That could work.

Quite a few people are getting some metal rod (brass I think), drilling out the hands of a swordsman and putting the rod through, makes an easy and good conversion.

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