The One Ring

Are the Mahud viable?
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Author:  ElfGeneral [ Mon Jul 21, 2014 10:37 pm ]
Post subject:  Are the Mahud viable?

I know a lot of people say Mahud have been nerfed but I was just wondering are they still any good?

The King w/camel in particular look like a really powerful unit but the rest being fight 3 courage 2 seem a little weak

Author:  JamesR [ Mon Jul 21, 2014 10:57 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Are the Mahud viable?

They're all very good IMO. Harad is my main army (as of late, I have 3 that I rotate through) and I play Harad/Mahud only in it.

The Mahud have been nerfed but it was a bit needed as they were OP before even if not spammed.
Mahud now bring a lot to Harad, a "heavy" cavalry option, heavy troops. They don't have great fight/courage but they make up for it by bringing strength 4 with good defense, both Harad needs. Pairing them with Abrakhan Guard or mixing them with Serpent Riders are particularly deadly combinations

Author:  LordoftheBrownRing [ Tue Jul 22, 2014 3:17 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Are the Mahud viable?

ElfGeneral wrote:
I know a lot of people say Mahud have been nerfed but I was just wondering are they still any good?

The King w/camel in particular look like a really powerful unit but the rest being fight 3 courage 2 seem a little weak

No. Allying them in, possibly, but no. The King with a camel, is good. The rest, not at all.

JamesR wrote:
They're all very good IMO. Harad is my main army (as of late, I have 3 that I rotate through) and I play Harad/Mahud only in it.

The Mahud have been nerfed but it was a bit needed as they were OP before even if not spammed.
Mahud now bring a lot to Harad, a "heavy" cavalry option, heavy troops. They don't have great fight/courage but they make up for it by bringing strength 4 with good defense, both Harad needs. Pairing them with Abrakhan Guard or mixing them with Serpent Riders are particularly deadly combinations

Elfgeneral, to debate what he said, but not disagree:

1-They bring heavy cavalry yes, but with harad you need larger number because their troops are so soft. I played harad/mahud just saturday. The point cost of the unit which is around twenty with war spear which makes them worth it, forces people to only use few of them. You can swarm them, kill them, and force them to use might just to get the charge off, which aside from Isengard, might isnt high in the fallen realms.

2-The only success youll have with them, from what ive seen read, and played is a perfect balance of points cost and knowing your opponent. Its no longer the force it once was. There is no army I have that I would worry about fight the Mahud with. Harad alone allied in brings more to the table.

If I were you, Id do Reavers, Bo Sun and Captain, and Harad Elites like watchers and Serpents. But I know a lot of those are hard to come by. Half trolls are amazing too.

Author:  JamesR [ Tue Jul 22, 2014 4:16 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Are the Mahud viable?

To semi-defend my original point.
Mahud are not terrible, they are over-costed because of what they bring to Harad. Just as Dwarf Rangers DLB that counts as a regular bow for 300% more, because it addresses a factions weakness directly. Mahud (like so many other units) are not something you just throw at an enemy and expect to win, some tactical ability greatly helps. They also (as a raider) have the greatest potential damage output in the entire faction.

Just a plea, if you're considering Harad please don't bring anything Corsair. It's completely unnecessary and ruins everything IMO. The Corsairs are the most unbalanced, stupid faction in the whole of the SBG and spamming elites is not only unnecessary but kills the fun for everyone involved.
Harad (played faction pure), is fully capable of dominating the table, which as you'll note from tournament reports happens quite often.

Author:  jdizzy001 [ Tue Jul 22, 2014 10:27 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Are the Mahud viable?

I dont know what it is with game makers and corsairs. Even in lotr tcg the corsairs were spammed, broken and cheesed to the max.

Author:  Grungehog [ Tue Jul 22, 2014 11:55 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Are the Mahud viable?

Even these days, it isn't too hard to win using Mahud, with enough know how and some brawn they are vicious and deadly. OH yeah also half trolls are the most powerful man sized unit in the game, never forget about them, I have killed dwarf captain in single combat with these guys.

Author:  Asamu [ Tue Jul 22, 2014 11:56 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Are the Mahud viable?

They do allow for effectively 100% poisoned shooting with the blowpipes, and strength 4 as spear support isn't bad. Using them on their own isn't worth it, but filling out a force to add some additional shooting+spear support is fine (assuming you are running some corsairs/far harad aside from them in the force).

Short range, but still quite potent with the sheer volume of shooting you can get, and they are only 1 point more than they should be.

At 500 pts, you could take:
Knight of Umbar on Horse
Mahud King on camel with shield and warspear
4 half trolls
11 Mahud warriors with blowpipe and spear (could go reavers or watchers of karna if you wanted to be really competitive, but Mahud warriors fit a theme)
8 Haradrim warriors with bow
1 Haradrim warrior with warhorn and spear (or give the warhorn to one of the bowmen)

Problem with the corsairs/watchers of karna is the axe rules, and watchers are a bit undercosted regardless if you factor in the special rules.

Author:  LordoftheBrownRing [ Tue Jul 22, 2014 9:04 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Are the Mahud viable?


One warband of 6 trolls and 6 mahud with shield one day took a warband of Mirkwood Rangers and tauriel half a game to kill them.

They were lead by a chieftan only haha

Author:  Highlordell [ Fri Jul 25, 2014 9:04 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Are the Mahud viable?

James is completely right.
They are overcosted because they bring a combination of high Strength and Defence not found anywhere else in Harad. They're not the best, but give them poison blowpipes and you've got an incredibly versatile unit that is a threat from medium range.
I use them in combination with Corsairs with spears, bringing the Corsair's F4 and the Mahud's S4 together for relatively little outlay. Combine the Corsair's throwing weapons and Mahud blowpipies and you have a very effective skirmishing force,
I also bring them with Reavers, where they form the front rank as they advance across the table due to having shields. The fact they can take shields (a rarity in Harad) means you can also send them against heroes and with their higher defences they will be better at holding them up, whereas a Haradrim Warrior/Corsair will just get smashed.

I think Raiders are just as good.

Author:  Grungehog [ Fri Jul 25, 2014 10:34 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Are the Mahud viable?

I've had experience with Mahud a few times, even post uber profiles and they are now an affordable force to field. With a well built enough force and a good tactician the Mahud are a versatile and formidably offensive force to be reckoned with.

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