The One Ring

Galdhrim or Hunter Orcs?
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Author:  Lord Maedhros [ Sat Aug 23, 2014 6:54 pm ]
Post subject:  Galdhrim or Hunter Orcs?

So looking to start a new army...

Should I get Galadhrim or Hunter orcs? What are the pros and cons of each...? What is everyones experience with one or the other?

Thanks :)

Author:  SouthernDunedain [ Sat Aug 23, 2014 9:21 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Galdhrim or Hunter Orcs?

Hunter Orcs -
low FV, low def, little troop variety, no mid range heroes.
decent str, decent attacks, pretty cheap, Fimbul (hands down best 60pt hero there is), mtd models can charge without need LoS.

Galadhrim -
poor str, expensive elites, only a few decent heroes.
Good FV, good shooting, Rumil, Guards of the Galadhrim court.

I've been playing both recently and I can say quite easily I miss the str 4 of the hunter orcs. Makes D6+ so much easier to crack.
The elves struggle against anything high defence.
Plus the 2A of the hunter orcs means you can throw them in anywhere and they have a great chance of winning the fight. If gundabad orcs had been FV4, str3 then I would have definitely said hunter orcs, by far one of my favourite armies.
But then there is something satisfying about unleashing golden fury upon the battlefield. I am taking a pure Galadhrim force to a tournament tomorrow, won't win but they are good fun to play.

Author:  Wise Old Elf [ Sat Aug 23, 2014 9:34 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Galdhrim or Hunter Orcs?

Speaking personally, as I have collected both, they are equally exceptional armies and carry an array of miniatures worth using!

From a painterly perspective, Galadhrim can become slightly dull after a while as each miniature is essentially the same just in a different pose or with different hair colour, so in the long-term Hunter Orcs provide more versatility and creativity. I have since sold my Galadhrim army for that very reason, whereas my Hunter Orc force, although small due to costs, has pride of place at the top of my display cabinet. With more miniatures to be released soon in the wake of The Battle of the Five Armies, you can also guarantee even more exceptional heroes and infantry to bolster your battleforce (I'm thinking of Bolg should he ever be released)!

Author:  Valadorn [ Sat Aug 23, 2014 9:49 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Galdhrim or Hunter Orcs?


-Hunter orcs: when on foot they have A2 while being cheap. They can make an OP force if you use em wisely. Excellent choice in 500 pts armies.

-Galadhrims: I use em as the front line (better def) in my wood elf army. It consists of : galadhrim with shields, wood elves with spears/bows and some wood elves choppers with axes to piercing strike the prone models after Thranduil's Nature's wrath.

Author:  JamesR [ Sat Aug 23, 2014 11:08 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Galdhrim or Hunter Orcs?

Valadorn wrote:
Adding: wood elves choppers with axes to piercing strike the prone models after Thranduil's Nature's wrath.

POWER GAMING CHEESE! Lol sorry Valdorn I couldn't resist

Author:  Smeagol [ Sun Aug 24, 2014 2:37 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Galdhrim or Hunter Orcs?

Which do you like the look of aesthetically better? You're going to have a lot more fun, win or lose, if you like the look of your army.

Author:  Lord Maedhros [ Sun Aug 24, 2014 4:20 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Galdhrim or Hunter Orcs?

Thanks for all your replies guys....

@Smeagol, your right the look of the army has a lot to do with it....

Well I might end up waiting until the third film to make a decision because of what may be released, so for now I will make do with the collection I have, and start working on my backlog :P

Thanks Guys 8)

Author:  Valadorn [ Sun Aug 24, 2014 10:41 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Galdhrim or Hunter Orcs?

JamesR wrote:
Valadorn wrote:
Adding: wood elves choppers with axes to piercing strike the prone models after Thranduil's Nature's wrath.

POWER GAMING CHEESE! Lol sorry Valdorn I couldn't resist

There is no insult in that, but yeah this is a technocratic style of game thought. I ve faced that, I ve lost cause of this and now I use it as a proud loser :D

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