The One Ring

Lothlorien 600pts
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Author:  Galanur [ Sun Oct 12, 2014 2:47 pm ]
Post subject:  Lothlorien 600pts

Warband 1

Haldir with elven cloak and bow
4 Wood elf warriors with elven bow
8 wood elves with spear

Warband 2
10 Guards of the Galadhrim Court
1 wood elf sentinel

Warband 3
Galadhrim Captain on armoured horse with shield and elven blade and elf bow
5 Galadhrim Knights with shield and elf bow

totaL. 600pts

models: 31
might: 8

Warband 1
The skirmisher warband, lead by haldir, I didnt gave him armour cause I wanna use the wood elf version without armour, hes mainly to keep distance and support the foot slog elven army. Although he can lead up to close with many spears in that group anyway...

Warband 2

This is Haldir´s brother melee group, they are the ones to get stuck in thick melee and hopefully getting some help from the spearmen from haldir´s warband... this group is the main bulkward wall the elves can provide for melee.

Warband 3

The flexible galadhrim knights can also use bows to shoot and reason I´ve done it was to maximize their special rules allowing to get defence 5 and still benefit from bows, their fast and flexible steeds means they can cover ground at infantry speed while allowing them to shoot at the enemy horde..
THe captain got elven blade cause hes likely to fight powerfull heroes with fight 6s, so if a tie show up, ill get better odds to win the fight in my favour...

Author:  WhoelsebutHaldir [ Mon Oct 13, 2014 2:52 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Lothlorien 600pts

I'm thinking maybe downgrade 5 Galadhrim guard to 6 galadhrim with spear+shield. Just to boost your numbers a bit. I think if you have the models this will help you, at least that what I would do.
I'm not sure if you need the elven blade on the captain, Rumil should be more than competent enough to deal with any enemy heroes. With the extra 5 pts you could give some armour to the wood elves or some throwing weapons of something useful.

Author:  JamesR [ Mon Oct 13, 2014 3:30 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Lothlorien 600pts

If he downgrades the guard he loses so much effectiveness as pikes cannot support spears

Author:  Galanur [ Mon Oct 13, 2014 10:00 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Lothlorien 600pts

well the thing of the guard is that:

1 - they have fight 6, even heroes like aragorn can actually struggle to win combat vs these
2 - they do still have defence 5 like galadhrim warriors with spear and shield
3 - they do still use shielding rule like galadhrim warriors
4 - they can support a 3 rank way, something spearmen cant do, so you can compact that 10 man block into thiner or thicker lines depending where you fight and ensure maximum effectiveness regardless...
5 - they have more courage (not that like they need it anyway)

so in all they cost 2 extra points for the same equivalent as a warrior but with 3 benefits:
- +1 fight
- +1 courage
- pikes(something you dont see on elves often)

The thing of the captain with blade is that for some things captain is better:
- hes on horse, can move faster and gain attacks vs foot stuff
- Rumil can´t be everywhere and I´ve seen plenty aragorn/bormir combos or alot burdhur/cave trolls out there..

I could get the sentinel out however and get a coupel 2/3 extra guys, but got a feeling having some(sort of magic in the army that cannot be resisted) might be all much more usefull...

Author:  WhoelsebutHaldir [ Mon Oct 13, 2014 10:01 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Lothlorien 600pts

But if you are engaging a large portion of the enemy line with that one warband, most of the time you won't be able to go 3 ranks deep. You may be able to for 2 or 3 spots but that's probably it. Hence, I think it would be more beneficial to have 6 Galadhrim warriors and 5 Guards as opposed to 10 guards.

This way you can still go 3 ranks deep at 2 spots and have one guard left over to tie up a captain or some such.

For example:
- W = warrior
- G = Guard
- R = Rumil
- the "." Are just blank spaces, it was the only way I could get the thing to work.

With the 10 guard:

...G G G
...G G G

After combat is joined and you need to elongate your flanks

......G G G

With the warriors

....G G

After combat is joined and you need to elongate your flanks

........G G
........G G W

You still have deep depth where necessary, but your line is more supported than before.
Plus you can use the warriors to shield your more important Guard from bow fire.

I hope that makes sense, I'm on my phone right now so it's a little hard to get those diagrams right....

Oh, and that's a fair point about the captain and the elven blade.

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