The One Ring

Angmar lists 700pts
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Author:  Halbarad-king [ Mon Oct 13, 2014 12:56 am ]
Post subject:  Angmar lists 700pts

Looking at two different Angmar lists. Keep in mind I like fluffy balanced games.

List 1:
Witch King: A.Horse, Crown, 3/15/3
4x Warg Riders w/ shield

Barrow Wight
6x Orc w/ Shield
5x Orc w/ Spear
1x Cave Troll

Orc Shaman
1x Orc w/ Banner, spear
6x Orc w/ Shield
4x Orc w/ Spear
1x Spectre

Orc Captain w/ shield
5x Orc w/ Shield
6x Orc w/ Spear
1x Spectre

44 models, 5 Might (6 if no channeled fury)
Horde with fury and a banner, spectres to pull people around and WK and wargs to make hard flank strikes.

List 2:
Witch King: A.Horse, Crown, 3/15/3
4x Warg Riders w/ shield

Barrow Wight
5x Orc w/ Shield
5x Orc w/ Spear
1x Cave Troll
1x Spectre

Orc Shaman or Barrow Wight #2?
6x Orc w/ Shield
5x Orc w/ Spear
1x Spectre

Wild Warg Chieftan
1x Bat Swarm
4x Wild Warg

37 models, 4 Might (5 with shaman, 1 is for Wargs only) A bit faster, and seems a little scarier. More potential power in the WK group with Bat swam and extra wargs.


Author:  Frêrin [ Tue Oct 14, 2014 9:17 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Angmar lists 700pts

I would field the first list and take Burdhur instead of the cave troll and the orc captain because he isn't that prone to heroic strikes and you have one more might. Furthermore I'd take the fellbeast over crown and horse (only 5 points more, higher strength, higher defence, higher lives, fly and higher movement and the most important bpa).

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