The One Ring

850 pts: Lords of Battle (don't read Rangefinder lololol) :)
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Author:  LordoftheBrownRing [ Fri Oct 24, 2014 8:29 pm ]
Post subject:  850 pts: Lords of Battle (don't read Rangefinder lololol) :)

Ok, so I dont know whats in his topic haha, but were playing tomorrow, and Im going with Mordor. I already have an idea of what Im going to take, and heres what my options are....Im doing a Pelennor fields army.

Suggestions are welcome but I am for sure choosing from the following warbands. Rank which you think are must takes in any order. Leave any comments youd like.

Suladan on Horse
8 Serpent Riders

Harad Chieftan on Horse
8 Serpent Riders

Shagrat(badass one)
6 Morannons with shield
6 with spear

Troll Chieftan
6 Morannons with shield
6 with spear

Orc Shaman on Warg
6 Morannons with shield
6 with spear

*Note- I will 100% take one shaman, and possibly two. I am going to possibly put one in as independent if I have to.

Orc Taskmaster
6 Morannons with shield
6 with spear

6 Morannons with shield
6 with spear

Witch King maxed out on Fell Beast
6 Morannons with shield
6 with spear

Witch King maxes on armored Horse
6 Morannons with shield
6 with spear

Another note- I have black numenoreans, and Im considering throwing some of them in.

As you guys can see, its straightforward. Combat oriented except the Witch King, but he can keep his leaders in check and thin his ranks.

My leader will either be Troll Chieftan, Shagrat, or Witch King, none of which I will likely let die. The firs two have massive defense being 7 and 8. Shagrat has 3 fate and the troll likely wont lose many combats.

My plan is to just overwhelm with strong defense orcs while my heros tear his ranks to shreds.

And other suggestions are welcome. I have a ton of models, but you guys see what Im basically trying to accomplish here....not let him kill my guys.

Author:  JamesR [ Fri Oct 24, 2014 11:08 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: 850 pts: Lords of Battle (don't read Rangefinder lololol

Bring the Witch King on fell beast and the Troll Chieftain Warbands for sure. Make the WK your general and use him like a scalpel, careful surgical strikes when you lose priority so he can't be counter charged. Use the Troll Chieftain as a hammer and just kill lots of grunts with him. After that I'd say the shaman and taskmaster are most important, especially as you could heroic channel fury for FREE!
Beyond that it's personal choice, I love Haradrim cavalry for their punch but if you're not really experienced with them it's probably not worth it

Author:  LordoftheBrownRing [ Sat Oct 25, 2014 12:23 am ]
Post subject:  Re: 850 pts: Lords of Battle (don't read Rangefinder lololol

JamesR wrote:
Bring the Witch King on fell beast and the Troll Chieftain Warbands for sure. Make the WK your general and use him like a scalpel, careful surgical strikes when you lose priority so he can't be counter charged. Use the Troll Chieftain as a hammer and just kill lots of grunts with him. After that I'd say the shaman and taskmaster are most important, especially as you could heroic channel fury for FREE!
Beyond that it's personal choice, I love Haradrim cavalry for their punch but if you're not really experienced with them it's probably not worth it

Those were my initial thoughts. Because its Lords of Battle I don't fear using large heroes. I still get worried though using the Witch King because a lucky arrow or bad roll can kill him. Although he does have three fate.

You still say 100% troll over Shagrat? Shagrat offers more in terms of might will fate but the troll offers monster attacks which is great.

And yeah I'd probably keep my heroes tightly whole force actually and put the King by the taskmaster to channel everything and keep the shaman near by.

Then maybe haradrim far out on a flank. What do you think about just giving them a chieftain?

Author:  Galanur [ Sat Oct 25, 2014 3:04 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: 850 pts: Lords of Battle (don't read Rangefinder lololol

you got my opinions about all this.. betrayer over witch king, he suits passively and works best with it

Author:  JamesR [ Sat Oct 25, 2014 4:54 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: 850 pts: Lords of Battle (don't read Rangefinder lololol

It's not that I rate Shagrat low but that I rate monsters so highly. I'd rather have the Troll Chieftain simply because of how easily he can demolish enemy troops and heroes. Plus the new monster rules are just so fun!
In addition pairing the WK's magic with the chieftain allows the WK to stay safe and makes the chieftain hard to charge with the -1 Courage to your opponent's troops.

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