The One Ring

harad army
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Author:  Bronf [ Fri Apr 03, 2015 3:00 am ]
Post subject:  harad army

i'm making a 750 pts army list of harad and i noticed that watcher of karna would be just 1 pts ech extra (with bow) then a warrior of karna (harad warrior upgrade) but the watcher has more going for it.

more fight magic resist and a better chance of charging terror. so i'm wondering should i drop 3 units to swap out to watcher of karner and keep 1 warrior to put a war horn on him?

heres my list so far.
suladan horse bow
6 harad raider 6 serpent rider

harad chief horse bow warspear
6 harad raider 6 serpent rider

golden king
6 warrior of karner (6 bows, 1 war horn) 6 serpent guard

harad taskmaster
3 warrior of karner (3 bows)
3 serpent guard

its 749 pts but i was thinking keeping one warrior and dropping a few to swap the warriors for watchers .

so would trading them would be a good idea or would the few extra troops be better?

Author:  jericho2597 [ Fri Apr 03, 2015 5:05 am ]
Post subject:  Re: harad army

Games workshop's tactic has always been to produce troops (e.g. watchers of karna) that are much better for similar price than the standard troop in the army list (warrior of karna/haradrim) in order to make you pay for the much more expensive metal/finecast units instead of a plastic infantry box which is about 3x cheaper per mini. This pretty much explains why the troops that come in blisters rather than box sets tend to be so good, especially with ones that didnt appear in the films

Author:  Draugluin [ Fri Apr 03, 2015 5:42 am ]
Post subject:  Re: harad army

Yes, switch them out. The Watchers are so much better that it really isn't ever worth the Warrior upgrade.

Author:  Trickrick [ Fri Apr 03, 2015 4:54 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: harad army

I recommend you add Reavers as well with axes, they are fight 5 and two attacks with piercing strike is awesome.

To protect your poor defence troops I recommend the Shadow Lord on Fell Beast.

This way you protect the troops as archery needs a 6 to hit within 6 inches of the Shadow Lord. The Fell Beast is just so good, once you have used one you will always choose one.

I have played the serpent rider cavalry many times and to be honest they are just so weak against archery that I no longer use them. Plus they have such big bases that they are almost always outnumbered by infantry. If you must use cavalry camels are more use. That impale is fun.

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