The One Ring

500 points GC help
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Author:  GeorgeTheBaker [ Sun Apr 26, 2015 10:24 pm ]
Post subject:  500 points GC help

Hey I'm rather new to the game and I have started a grey company army. Was just curious if anyone could give me feed back on this list I was thinking about.

500 points (492)
Halbarad mounted 75
12 ranger of arnor 4 spears 100

Warband 2
Arathorn 75
8 rangers of arnor 2 spears 66

2 rangers of North 52
4 ranger of North mounted 124

Author:  Hands_Hammerhelm [ Mon Apr 27, 2015 6:37 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: 500 points GC help

Only thing i could reccoment here is find some extra spears and fill up that remaining 8 points. it's very useful tp get them supports where you need them as your guys will fall fast when they start to loose combat.

The army is very squishy with the average defence all round and will often need to play the long game and skirmish about the place to whittle your foes with bow fire before any fighting.

i couldn't really suggest anything to add to the list if you wanted pure GC, but i think a wizard with blinding light (Gandalf, Cirdan, galadriel) could help to defend against enemy shooting. Or Malbeth with his 5+ invulnerable bubble.

Best thing really is to play test it :) It's a cool looking force but very much a one trick pony.

Author:  GeorgeTheBaker [ Thu Apr 30, 2015 9:36 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: 500 points GC help

Cheers mate really appreciate the comment and yea I think maybe a wizard will be a good idea :) but Deffo adding in those extra spears. just confused how do you mean it's a one trick pony ? Is it that the force isn't your most reliable force such as a solid isengard army ?

Author:  Hands_Hammerhelm [ Sun May 17, 2015 12:13 am ]
Post subject:  Re: 500 points GC help

I just mean it's only really got the one way to play, that being avoid combat for as long as possible and shoot the opponent. Although you will help mix it up with the mounted guys you've included.
also you have a tonne of might which is pretty awesome. I think you could have loads of fun with this list. Of course at larget points, switch out Arathorn for Aragorn and you have more might and a banner!

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