The One Ring

Best good all hero army?
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Author:  Badner [ Tue May 12, 2015 12:21 pm ]
Post subject:  Best good all hero army?

Hi everybody,

I really like to play all-hero armys, but whenever I tried it, I failed. However, I would like to have a strong all-hero army from the good side. Normally, I am playing 500 or 400 pts.
So my question is: Which all-hero army (from the good side) would be one of the bests in your opinion?

Author:  General Ly Average [ Tue May 12, 2015 5:38 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Best good all hero army?

Are we talking army lists or forces on the tabletop here? If it's the first then I don't think it's really feasible to have heroes from just one army list unless you're going for lore, although I've had some success with legolas, gimli, boromir and aragorn. Overall, I think that you need heroes with a fair bit of might (aragorn and boromir are useful here, aragorn for controlling the later stages of the game and boromir for the very large store), high fight such as gil-galad or glorfindel, ones that can take horses, ones with good fate stores + wounds and ones that can survive on their own while surrounded. From my experiences taking a wizard is also interesting. I think that you need to experiment with combinations from different lists to find one that works.

Author:  Badner [ Tue May 12, 2015 8:44 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Best good all hero army?

Yes, you are right. Which army would you take?
How many miniatures should I have at 500 Pts.? I thought about:

Warband 1
Aragorn - Strider with Horse; Armour;
Boromir of Gondor with Horse;
Legolas with Horse; Armour;

Warband 2
Eorl the Young

Total: 500 Pts.

This army has a lot of might and Aragorn and Eorl (can) have infinity might.

Author:  Gondorian Captain [ Tue May 12, 2015 10:55 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Best good all hero army?

There are various all hero armies that work quite well. Generally speaking being able to stay mounted helps a long way as it provides much needed mobility and added hitting power on the charge.

My favourites are the White Council and the Fellowship, Thorin's company are also really fun to use and all Mounted Rohan with the royal banner are pretty good overall.

You can of course make the most effective all hero army by ignoring theme and just taking heroes with all the best personal abilities (eg, Gil-Galad, Boromir, Radagast on eagle) but personally I prefer playing with and against themed bands of heroes :)

Author:  Valadorn [ Wed May 13, 2015 9:30 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Best good all hero army?

Badner wrote:
Warband 1
Aragorn - Strider with Horse; Armour;
Boromir of Gondor with Horse;
Legolas with Horse; Armour;

This warband must be split I think, they are not all in fellowship list.

Author:  Badner [ Wed May 13, 2015 9:49 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Best good all hero army?

Valadorn wrote:
Badner wrote:
Warband 1
Aragorn - Strider with Horse; Armour;
Boromir of Gondor with Horse;
Legolas with Horse; Armour;

This warband must be split I think, they are not all in fellowship list.

No, they are all in the fellowship. It's Boromir of Gondor, not the captain of the white tower. I made this list with Lonleyknight's Army Builder.

What do you think about the army?

A Rohan army sounds interesting, too. What about this:

Warband 1 0/12
Gamling, Captain of Rohan with Horse; Royal Standard of Rohan;
Warband 2 0/12
Éomer, Knight of the Pelennor with armoured horse;
Warband 3 0/12
Eorl the Young
Warband 4 0/12
Erkenbrand, Captain of Rohan with Horse;
Warband 5 0/12
Théodred, Heir of Rohan with Horse; Bow; Shield; Throwing spears;

Total: 500 Pts.

Author:  OverlordShepard [ Sat May 16, 2015 7:54 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Best good all hero army?

I think this would actually preform very neat. The only problem I see is keeping gamling out of combat so you can benefit from the banner.
Other then that, it has a decent amount of might and the mobility.

I think it will preform nicely against normal armies, not so sure if it works good vs monsters/felbeasts. You're best bet will be to try it out with a friend of yours.

Author:  Hands_Hammerhelm [ Sat May 16, 2015 10:08 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Best good all hero army?

For all hero I'd recomend getting everyone on horses.
Gandalf the Grey is great as he is both offensive, and defensive (blinding light)
Legolas is a strong choice too with his auto hit and tripple shot abilities.
You need high fight warriors such as Glorfindel or Gil Galad, try to make sure everyone is F6 minimum and if their job is to get in combat dont go for fewer than 3 attacks.
You could also go for Monsters such as Treebeard or Beorn to get the brutal power attacks and some serious killing power.

Author:  jdizzy001 [ Sun May 17, 2015 12:44 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Best good all hero army?

My favorite all hero army is Boromir capt of gondor and galdalf the white. Use gandalf to sorc blast people and use capt of gondor for combat.

Author:  Badner [ Sun May 17, 2015 8:57 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Best good all hero army?

OverlordShepard wrote:
You're best bet will be to try it out with a friend of yours.

The problem is that I don't have the miniatures at the moment. My plan was to discuss some armies in this thread and then buy some of the most frequently mentioned heroes.

I thought about a BOFA/White council/ Nature creatures/Fellowship theme. These lists came to my mind:

Tom Bombadil
Thranduil (BOFA) on horse

Gandalf the grey on horse
Thranduil (BOFA) on horse
Elrond on horse with heavy armour

Thranduil (BOFA) on horse
Legolas (BOFA) on horse
Beorn with Bow

Thranduil (BOFA)
Legolas Greenleaf on horse
Thorin (BOFA)
Dwalin (BOFA)

Because I am unable to make a good 500 pts fellowship army, just a 400:

Aragorn on horse
Boromir on horse
Legolas on horse

What do you think about them?

Author:  Badner [ Sun May 24, 2015 1:53 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Best good all hero army?

Hi everybody. Today, I played with Beorn, Saruman on horse and Thranduil (BOFA) on horse against this army:

3 Moria Goblin Warrior with Orc bow;
1 Bat Swarm
2 Warg Marauder
1 Cave Troll
Warband 2 12/12
Moria Goblin Shaman
6 Moria Goblin Warrior with Spear;
6 Gundabad Blackshield
Warband 3 12/12
Moria Goblin Shaman
6 Moria Goblin Warrior with Spear;
6 Gundabad Blackshield

We played scenario 3 from the rulebook. I won the game 9-8. But I recognize that it is very difficult to play all hero armies in scenarios. I had killed all miniatures, apart from 8 goblins, but all of them were within 6 inches of the middle objective. Do you have any tips, how I can protect objectives with an all-hero army? Because I killed a lot miniatures, but the game ended directly after the Moria army was broken.

I had to proxy Thranduil and Saruman, but I am thinking about whether I should buy them or not. Do you think that they are worth it?

Thank you for your help.

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