The One Ring

750 pt Mordor
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Author:  Quinndalf [ Mon May 25, 2015 9:09 pm ]
Post subject:  750 pt Mordor

I'm a bit stuck with expanding this list I want a big combat hero but also want to increase my fury range :shock: I want this to be competitive but no axes where they shouldn't be and no shades :no:

(Leader) the undying on fell beast (fairly safe against banish)
5 morranons with shield 4 morranons with shield and spear 1 morranon with shield spear and banner

orc shaman on warg
5 morranons with shield 5 morranons with shield and spear

orc taskmaster
5 morranons with shield 5 morranons with shield and spear

that leaves 180 pts

what should I do?!

Author:  Bernardo [ Mon May 25, 2015 9:36 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: 750 pt Mordor

Take the shadow lord behind your line on foot or horse.
Ideally use his spells to transfix other heroes, and let his banner do its work.
Then you got the undying as spellcaster+combat hero with enough will to last forever.
And switch the orc shaman for kardush. He is way better!

Author:  Quinndalf [ Mon May 25, 2015 9:57 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: 750 pt Mordor

Thanks Bernardo I think you mean the dark marshal.

I was thinking of adding this Kardush 5 morranon orcs with shield 5 morranon orcs with shield and spear and either 2 mordor orcs and an extra banner or 3 mordor orcs and armour for the fell beast.
Are there any better combinations than this?

Author:  Salattu [ Tue May 26, 2015 10:06 am ]
Post subject:  Re: 750 pt Mordor

I am not pro but maybe these ideas work:

I wouldn't take second nazgul, because your morannons don't have the hit power to use transfix and "eliminate" etc. Instead I would take a troll chieftain, and remove 10 morannons from shaman's warband and replace them with 10 warg riders. Shaman has warg alrdy so warg riders wouldn't be too far taken.

If u wanted you could also replace taskmaster with the chieftain and with 60 points u could add 4 morgul stalkers to army... Or 3 spiders though they are not that themic maybe.

Author:  Elf of the North [ Wed May 27, 2015 11:22 am ]
Post subject:  Re: 750 pt Mordor


If you want some good combos you could, as already mentioned, include Kardûsh rather than the normal shaman, and potentially bring in a captain of the Black Guard along with some black guard with morannons as spear support. This would give you a F5 hero with C6 (Because of the ringwraith). He would, when backed up by a morannon with spear whilst in range of the banner, give you four dice to win combat, and with the S5 of the black guard, even D7 dwarfs will not survive for too long. Shagrat war-leader is another option, but for the points I would be tempted to have a troll chieftain. However, they are both C4, and could potentially fail you when you need them most.

I hope this helps! :)

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