The One Ring

Gondor 600 pt army
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Author:  Boromir's BABE [ Thu Jun 04, 2015 1:39 pm ]
Post subject:  Gondor 600 pt army

Hi guys first post !! im quite keen on minas tirrith gonder themed armies and such own a fair few of the models however i am new to the gaming aspect of the hobby. i have arranged 2 list but would greatly appreciate it if i could gain some much needed advice!! models i do not own i will more than likely look into purchasing so there is no restrictions there, however i would like to maintain the gonder theme of the army !!

i am looking to put together a 600 point army and this is what i have so far, any advice is great thanks in advance !!!!!!

captain of minas tirith with horse, lance and shield
6 knights of minis tirith with shield

boromir captain of white tower with shield
12 guard of the fountain court with

6 warriors of minas tirith with shield
6 citadel guard with longbow and spear


6 guard of fountain court with shield
6 warriors of minas tirith shield spear

6 guard of fountain court shield
6 warriors of minas tirith shield and spear

10 rangers of gondor

faramir armoured horse shield and lance
6 knights of minas tirith with shield

Author:  General Ly Average [ Thu Jun 04, 2015 6:38 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Gondor 600 pt army

I like the look of the second one more: IMHO Boromir CofWT is too expensive for a 600 point list, I feel he comes into his own in higher points games where you can get him on horse with a lance and shield, then he becomes a beast. Perhaps take the spears of the basic warriors and give them to the rangers, then you can have a front line of MT warriors supported by F4 Fountain Court and get F4 support from the rangers if you need it. I would also take Madril over Cirion; D6 and a shield is alright but he'll get wounded on 5's by S4, as will Madril. I also find Madril's special rule to be more useful across the scenarios. Also, have you not given Faramir heavy armour or is this a typo? If you haven't got the points then drop the shields on 5 of the knights and buy him the heavy armour, D7 over D6 is a huge boost, whereas the D6 to D5 for the knights is still 5's to wound for S4. Hope this helps.

Author:  RotnyVana [ Fri Jun 05, 2015 3:28 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Gondor 600 pt army

I like the first list quite a bit. Boromir might seem expensive for 600 pts but I've had great success with him even at 500 pts. He is hard to stop with his D7, 6 might/fight and 3's in all the right places.

I would recommend finding the points to upgrade the Captain of Minas Tirith to Faramir (heavy armour, shield, lance and horse/armored horse). He is a fantastic mid-range hero and does a great job leading cavalry. For some more tips and tricks on Gondor check out the DCHL video on the topic:

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