The One Ring

thoughts on my Moria-Angmar list
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Author:  Rangefinder [ Tue Jun 16, 2015 9:52 pm ]
Post subject:  thoughts on my Moria-Angmar list

My list is set, this is going to happen this weekend.
Support, thoughts, tactics etc... are greatly appreciated!

My list is 455/26, and includes an extra leader instead of a troop model.
I emailed the organizer, nothing back yet. So, I am sticking to this list.
It's tight points (450), and limited models (24-39).
No un-named models over 150 points.

My thoughts are..., mobility, control, and pick fights.

If you have experience with anything like this list, I want to hear it!

2x Giant Bats
4x Giant Spiders
4x Wild Wargs
2x Goblin Drummers, no drum
(hahaha, they are the only goblins I have!)

2x Spectres
1x Orc w/shield
4x Orc w/spear
4x Orc Trackers

1x Orc Captain w/shield


Author:  Rangefinder [ Mon Jun 22, 2015 1:19 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: thoughts on my Moria-Angmar list

My review of my Moria/Angmar list...
This list is a great start for a 750 point game. :roll:

Moria is like American Express, "Everywhere You Want To Be".
There is so much mobility and freedom of movement with this list.
I used it to good affect picking up objectives and moving them quickly.
You can move clear across the board and contest objectives to be held.
In combat though, the low defense is problematic. And so are my dice rolls.
Druzhag did good, but next time I will keep him more mobile.
His 5" of movement limits him, placement is critical.
Especially when everyone else is moving 10"-12"!!!
Lots of things I will do different next time.

With another 250-300 points there are a lot of ideas I have kicking around now.

Author:  LordoftheBrownRing [ Mon Jun 22, 2015 8:09 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: thoughts on my Moria-Angmar list

If you wanna re do it next time Im looking at 550-600 possibly.

I cant comment on the effectiveness of this as I didnt play it and never really looked into using it myself. Have you searched the forum history for other armies like this? Im sure there are tips, armies, and ideas to help.

Author:  Rangefinder [ Mon Jun 22, 2015 9:57 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: thoughts on my Moria-Angmar list

I did actually try to look for tips here.
Came up pretty empty.
NO MATTER at all.
This list will live again!!!

Really was so much fun to use.
Now I have a real feel for how it can move and fight.
The additional points will definitely help out.

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