The One Ring

The Hobbit Evil Army Help
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Author:  JoshT93 [ Fri Jun 26, 2015 1:08 pm ]
Post subject:  The Hobbit Evil Army Help

Hi guys, ive been back in the hobby for just over a year now and have been busy painting up all my hobbit mini's. However ive yet to play a proper game (besides playing the EFGT scenarios). Im looking to attend some tournaments after the summer and generally noticed they are between 600-750 points.

I was just wondering if people could come up with some suggestions for a list based on the models i currently own for my evil army? Any help would be greatly appreciated.

The models i own as are follows......

- Azog on foot & mounted on white warg
- Bolg Castellan of Mount Gundabad (foot & mounted).
- 1 x Gundabad Orc Captain
- 6 x hunter orcs on fell wargs
- 6 x fell wargs
- 24 x hunter orcs
- 12 x Gundabad Orcs (6 with pike & 6 with sword and shield).

I also have all the goblins and goblin king from the EFGT set + the finecast goblin captain.


Author:  LordoftheBrownRing [ Fri Jun 26, 2015 6:19 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: The Hobbit Evil Army Help

At 600 pts I would not include Bolg or Azog.

My first suggestion would be to buy Fimbul or Yazneg or both. Also, convert a hunter orc to be a captain.

They are tough mounted.

At 600 Id do something like this:

Fimbul/Yazneg with lance
Gundabad Captain
Hunter Captain or other one of those two named guys^

And then put in your 12 gundabads, and fill the rest with hunters. Put a banner or a war horn if youd like.

At 750 do Bolg Mounted (Sorry....azog looks cool, and has cool rules, but his 5 defense is utterly ridiculous for a model thats almost 250 pts).

Then throw in a couple mounted hunters or fell wargs to grab objectives and whatnot in addition to the other army.

Author:  Dikey [ Fri Jun 26, 2015 9:30 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: The Hobbit Evil Army Help

I would not underestimate the Hunter orcs on foot supported by Gundabads. Gundabad are expensive for what they actually do (against not-elves/not-dwarves) but you may have a cheap battle line with 3 S4 attack on front. Add a banner if possible.

I'm not a fan of hunter orcs on fell wargs though. They do pretty much the same job of the warg riders, only at 5 more points.

Author:  LordoftheBrownRing [ Sat Jun 27, 2015 6:02 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: The Hobbit Evil Army Help

Totally agree. I told him to put them in just because people seem to always have them. Ive used them once in game and it was one of the most regrettable point sinks Ive ever decided on. Ive done that very few times.

As for the Gundabads they are over costed too. Ive used them against Elves and Dwarves and they still arent worth it. They lose fights constantly. So pretty much use them as front line till you hit combat to defend the hunters from cav and arrows, then use them as spear support.

Author:  JoshT93 [ Sat Jun 27, 2015 10:26 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: The Hobbit Evil Army Help

Thanks for the info guys!

Author:  polywags [ Wed Jul 29, 2015 6:48 am ]
Post subject:  Re: The Hobbit Evil Army Help

I might go more towards the goblin town route. You'd need to pick up some more models, especially at the higher points but if you ally in a shaman from the Moria list goblin town is honestly ridiculous.

Author:  Galanur [ Wed Jul 29, 2015 2:38 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: The Hobbit Evil Army Help

Well he got plenty models for list configurations....

They got it right of the bat on the terms above, Bolg and Azog should be excluded unless you know exactly how to work out with them.
The Big advantage of them its cause they are killing machines and above courage standart for orcs which helps you keen in line.
Still.... 2 much point invested where your oponent knowing hwat hes doing he can simply avoid them.

*bolg got 1+ trick.... harbinger of evil if he kills 5+ models... can be usefull reducing enemy courage to "orc standart" as if your main orc army is composed of hunter orc majority, usually its hard hitting fast burning kind of army...
If you really want a powerfull heroe, take Bolg over Azog, you save several points which can be filled with almost a full warband of hunter orcs.
Your oponents shouldnt underestimate these buggers, they are nasty....

As for Goblins... take shaman or get really alot of em or go home... if you field like 20 ish/30x at start seems great to overwhelm your oponent, but sicne you got no "insurance" to make them hard to kill, they will likely be more of a dump rather than helpfull as your oponent can get easy kills towards the army break tests....

Gundabad although overpriced they offer you 2 things the normaly hunter orcs dont:
- courage
- defence

Against S3 armies is where you gonna notice the most diference.... +1 courage at times can mean alot
D6 its hard to crack and allow you to block enemy lines quite easily allowing the hunter orcs to punch through holes where you need em most. So in a war gundabad its your solid "tank" army backbone.... They also provide awesome durable cannon fodder to bodyguard your heroes :)

I do favour more the shield users over spears... although with shield its normally a waste of points vs the buff skill vs the foes they normally take on myu case (dorfs and elves)

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