The One Ring

Shire 700 Fun List
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Author:  rickybobby17b [ Mon Jun 29, 2015 8:27 pm ]
Post subject:  Shire 700 Fun List

So I've just came up with a list that seems like fun and I think it would actually work fairly decent too let me know what you all think

Shire And Friends 700

WB1 Peregrin on pony+ 12x Shirriffs
WB2 Meriadoc on pony w shield+ 12x Shirriffs
WB3 Paladin Took+ 10x archers+ 2x shirriffs
WB4 Sam w pony+ 10 archers (1w/ war horn)
WB5 Bandobras Took+12x Shirriffs
WB6 Trrebeard+ 7 woses warriors

73 models, 10 might 12 will 13 fate

Pure swarm tactics except for Treebeard to bash faces

Author:  Dr Grant [ Tue Jun 30, 2015 10:57 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Shire 700 Fun List

Fir a 'fun' list I doubt it would be much fun to play against! Hobbit spam armies are ridiculously competitive, you might think you're taking it for fun but people will hate facing it! That doesn't mean you shouldn't take it of course :-)

Author:  rickybobby17b [ Tue Jun 30, 2015 1:42 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Shire 700 Fun List

By fun I mean fun for me but my buddies and I do like to play competative games. I wish the models weren't so expensive

Author:  Coenus Scaldingus [ Tue Jun 30, 2015 4:22 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Shire 700 Fun List

Any particular reason to solely take Shirriffs?

The Fight increase over Militia can be useful, but not only is it still low, against many armies you'll struggle to do much damage. Militia (possibly S3 and up to S6 with Piercing Strike) greatly help there. If anything, I'd take more Militia than Shirrifs (but still a good few of the latter, Stunning opponents is rather fun).

Although the Woses are tactically sound (even a few models with spear support are a strong addition), I'd prefer to leave them out, spending the points on more thematic allies.

Author:  rickybobby17b [ Wed Jul 01, 2015 1:35 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Shire 700 Fun List

What would you suggest for allies so I can have Spear support I chose woses because they could be led by Treebeard and I want him in the list

Would you think a 50 50 split of shirriffs and militia would be better? I stuck to shirriffs strictly for their fight value but if I changed 30 to militia then I'd have 4 more woses with a few points left over

Author:  Leonardis [ Wed Jul 01, 2015 7:05 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Shire 700 Fun List

Warriors of Arnor would be good, and themed - they would add good fight value and spear support... Just don't mention Malbeth or else everyone will mention cheese.

Author:  Salattu [ Wed Jul 01, 2015 11:36 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Shire 700 Fun List

Rangers of arnor and maybe even strider + treebeard could be good combo? WIth of course 50+ hobbits.

Author:  Coenus Scaldingus [ Sat Jul 04, 2015 7:33 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Shire 700 Fun List

Rangers of Arnor (led by e.g. Halbarad, then some Rangers of the North to allow for the 100% bows) would be good and thematic allies; F4, spears, even more archery. Halbarad and the Rangers could be mounted too, for at least a bit of speed. Also helps greatly in the Might department, something the Hobbits are rather low on.

Gildor and some Noldorin Exiles would also fit nicely. Fight 5 and a bit of Elven archery, or just spears. Again, high movement is also helpful. Those Halflings are terribly slow, so taking objectives and the likes will take ages (and with the low Might, Heroic marching isn't going to be an option very often).

50/50 split of Shirrifs and Militia sounds alright. Winning combats isn't everything if you can't kill the opponent, while losing some of your own isn't too much of a tragedy; plenty more to take their place. Even D5 is difficult to get through with S2 warriors, let alone anything with an actual bit of armour. Although I suppose that's why Treebeard was brought along as well.

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