The One Ring

Thranduil's Halls 700 expanding from 500
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Author:  polywags [ Sat Aug 01, 2015 8:02 am ]
Post subject:  Thranduil's Halls 700 expanding from 500

Hey all,

I've built up a 500 point Thranders halls I am pretty happy about. I think its reasonably optomized. I dont have alot of players near by so I haven't gotten many games in but its done alright so far. Anyways, I thinking about how I would expand the list to higher points.

At 500 my list is

Thranduil w/bow
4 Mirkwood elves w/shield
4 Mirkwood elves w/bow
2 Mirkwood elves w/glaive (might be better for that to just be shields, but I like the idea of being able to support the rangers)
2 Mirkwood rangers

4 Mirkwood elves w/shield
4 Mirkwood elves w/bow
2 Mirkwood elves w/glaive
1 Mirkwood ranger


26 models, 9 might, 16 shots(with leggy's three)

For moving up 700 the consensus seems to be you need to add magic of some kind so I am thinking Galadriel, Lady of Light, and then just trying to squeeze in a few more models where I can, not as many as I was hoping sadly.

Purposed list at 700

Galadriel, Lady of Light

Thranduil w/Bow, armor, elven cloak
2 Palace Guard w/spear, shield
1 Mirkwood elf w/ bow

Legolas w/ armor, elven cloak
4 Mirkwood elves w/shield
4 Mirkwood elves w/bow
2 Mirkwood elves w/glaive
2 Mirkwood rangers

4 MIrkwood elves w/shield
4 Mirkwood elves w/bow
2 Mirkwood elves w/glaive
2 Mirkwood rangers

Models 31, 12 might, 18 shots, broken at 16

What do you all think? I like the idea of fitting in the two guards but I could get 4 mirkwood elves for the two of them, the fight 6 seems good but maybe the numbers would be better. I also wasn't sure on the elven cloaks for Legolas and Thranduil since Galdriel has blinding light, maybe not necessary? I could an extra elf if I dropped them.

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