The One Ring

Is there an official Dol Guldur army list knocking around?
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Author:  aelfwine [ Tue Aug 11, 2015 1:48 pm ]
Post subject:  Is there an official Dol Guldur army list knocking around?

Hi all

Was there ever an official Dol Guldur army list, from late in development of the LOTR SBG? Were any of the named Nazgul, beyond Khamul, ever used in association with the Dol Guldur list?

Author:  Dr Grant [ Tue Aug 11, 2015 2:28 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Is there an official Dol Guldur army list knocking aroun

There was a Dol Guldur army list in Legions of Middle Earth but, perhaps surprisingly, it had none of the wraiths in it. Of course those were the days when various lists could ally together and one of the allies available to Dol Guldur was the Nazgul.

In the current game you can make some nice themed lists by using the Necromancer's Dol Guldur upgrade but there's nothing for a Hobbit Dol Guldur aesthetic. You could of course use Bolg/Azog to lead your Hunter Orcs, Mirkwood Spiders and Fell Wargs and then drop in the Necromancer to create a very cool and themed Dol Guldur Hobbit SBG army.

Author:  Malfrun [ Thu Aug 13, 2015 7:53 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Is there an official Dol Guldur army list knocking aroun

Yeah Dr. Grant is correct there was one in the LOME it had.

The Necromancer
Orc Shaman
Orc Captain
Spider queen
Castellan of Dul Guldor
Wild Warg chieftain

Orc warrior
Giant Spider
Bat swarm
Wild warg
Werewolf (obviously one that never came to be )': )
Black hearted tree (same as above)
Mordor war catapult
Mordor Troll

As you can see it isn't anything special the only different thing is the Necromancer I'd also suggest you mix it with Hobbit Models for a really cool theme.

Author:  Galanur [ Fri Aug 14, 2015 1:26 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Is there an official Dol Guldur army list knocking aroun

Well there is a Nazgul you forgot to mention that actually came up at Dol Guldur and lead it during the final years of the Third Age, khamul the Easterling.
He was the only known nazgul to acted and a lieutenant at the forces inside that fortress many years after Sauron ran off from it ...

My personnal opinion I love Dol Guldur above all... to me it gives more dread even than mordor to some degree as it evolves alot evil wildlife around the fortress and alot sorcery and mystery with it. (the best perfect evilry influence combined)

Dol Guldur its an ideal strategic position around middle earth to go in search of allies.
You can dg yourself into the dark and frightefull forest of mirkwood and look for wargs, spiders and spiders queens as support.
The fortress itself lies i nthe hill of sorcery so it favours the raise of the dead and spirits.
To the west lies the misty mountains, great source of goblins from moria and orcs from the misty mountains and gundabad...
To the east lies the closeby border of rohan with territories patrolled by easterlings, also great source of allies...
And more recently isengard as it aint 2 far away... the only thing you wont likely see dol guldur to march with would be haradrim, khand and corsairs of Umbar.. all remain seems pretty viable and solid choices..

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