The One Ring

800pt Tournament list-Fangorn, Lothlorien, and Mirkwood
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Author:  Strombole [ Wed Nov 25, 2015 2:23 pm ]
Post subject:  800pt Tournament list-Fangorn, Lothlorien, and Mirkwood

800pt tournament coming up.... need list advice, I want it to be somewhat competitive even though the models I chose were chosen to try to win "best painted".

Wanderers in the Wild

Warband 1
Treebeard (leader)
2 Ents

Lothlorien and Mirkwood

Warband 1
Galdhrim Stormcaller
3 Galadhrim with shields
3 Galadrim with spears

Warband 2
Galadrim Stormcaller
3 Galadrim with shields
1 Galadrim with spear
1 Galadhrim with spear and shield
1 Galadhrim with bow

Warband 3
Legolas with armour
5 Wood Elves with bows

23 models

I also thought about doing

1 Ent

Radagast on sleigh with Sebastian

6 Galadrim spears or shields
3 Galadhrim bows

6 Galadhrim spears or shields
3 Galadhrim bows

Same model count, same number of bows (though Legolas kind of counts as 3 more).

Not sure which, if either, I like better.

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