The One Ring

Morder 500pts Reality Check
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Author:  jadin72 [ Wed Dec 23, 2015 8:52 am ]
Post subject:  Morder 500pts Reality Check

Hi all, I have an upcoming 500pt doubles tourney coming up and I need a hand reality-checking my army. My doubles partner will likely be running haradrim with a knight of umbar on fell beast.

I am thinking a Morder Uruk army built around Shagrat. I am thinking either of these lists:

List 1:

Beefy Shagrat
6 Mordor Uruk with shield
4 With 2h mace

Black Guard Captain
4 Black Guard
6 Morannon Orc with spear + shield
1 morannon with shield and banner

Gorbag with shield
5 trackers
2 morgul stalkers

500pts, 5 bows, 31 models, 8 might.

List 2:

Beefy Shagrat
Uruks as above

Mordor troll chieftain
9 morannons with shield + spear
1 morannon with shield/spear/banner

Castellan of Dol Guldor with morgul blade

500pts, 23 models, 5 might.

Are either of these lists competitive? What might their strengths/weaknesses be? How could I improve them?

Thanks heaps!

Author:  Arthas367 [ Wed Dec 23, 2015 7:21 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Morder 500pts Reality Check

Well as far as mordor uruks go, I think they are ok but generally lose out to Morannon on cost effectiveness, the d4 usually means they get cleaned up by Heroes/ other s4.

If the black guards C value works off friendly wraith, the leadership will be greatly appreciated.

Be careful with leaving your numbers dangerously low, especially with wraithless/ fury less (why no fury? Another reason I prefer Orcs)

A good thing to keep in mind, theme rarely = competitve in games, LotR Sbg is no exception

Author:  jadin72 [ Wed Dec 23, 2015 8:35 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Morder 500pts Reality Check

Thanks for my reply, here is my revision:

Beefy Shagrat
4 Mordor Uruk with shield
2 with 2hand
4 Black Guard
Orc warrior with banner

Morannon orc captain
12 morannons, shield and spear

Mordor orc shaman
2 morgul stalkers
4 trackers

32 models, 4 bows, 5 might (6 might, but shaman will channel fury)

Basically a fight 4 front line with decent strength, a s4 d6 spear line, some 2 attack s4 stalkers and a couple of bows. Shagrat deals with heroic combats and captain for moves and maybe a strike.


Author:  Galanur [ Thu Dec 24, 2015 12:31 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Morder 500pts Reality Check

If I was to go competitive with Mordor based on uruks I would go. (and a mix in it)

Warband 1
Shagrat, warlader of Cirith Ungol
7 Black Guards of Barad Dur

Warband 2
Uruk Hai Shaman with armour
8 Feral uruk hai
4 Uruk hai with crossbows

Warband 3
Black Guard Captain with shield
4 Black Guards of Barad Dur

total: 498pts
models: 26
might: 6

Its low on numbers but if its teamed up, haradrim will bring numbers while you bring heavy punching...

If you want a More fun list.

Mordor 500pts

Warband 1
Shagrat, warlader of Cirith Ungol
6 morannon orcs with shield
6 morannon orcs with shield and spear(1 with just spear)

Warband 2
6 Isengard orcs with shield
6 Isengard orcs with spear

warband 3
orc shaman
6 Mordor Orcs with shield
6 Mordor Orcs with spear

warband 4
Gollum (hobbit version)

total: 500pts
models: 40
might: 8

mind yourself, even gollum is deadly with fight 5 with the ring!!

Author:  jadin72 [ Tue Dec 29, 2015 10:04 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Morder 500pts Reality Check

Galanur wrote:
Warband 1
Shagrat, warlader of Cirith Ungol
7 Black Guards of Barad Dur

Warband 2
Uruk Hai Shaman with armour
8 Feral uruk hai
4 Uruk hai with crossbows

Warband 3
Black Guard Captain with shield
4 Black Guards of Barad Dur

total: 498pts
models: 26
might: 6

Its low on numbers but if its teamed up, haradrim will bring numbers while you bring heavy punching...

My partner is likely bringing light cav, and I might be able to convince him to bring a taskmaster too.

I like your idea of bringing Uruk Hai, but I think I'd prefer pike support. How about this list?

Beefy Shagrat
6 Mordor uruks (mix of shield and 2h, I like 2h maces)

Black guard drummer
10 BG

Uruk Hai shaman
8 pikes
1 banner/shield

499, 3 might (one is channeling fury) low numbers but high durability.

The reason I would really like the drummer is the scenarios we are playing are blockade, seize the prize and hold ground. In each extra movement will be extremely valuable and I like the idea of moving a whole 24 inch line with a centrally placed drum without having to worry about the mechanics of heroic march.

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