The One Ring

Thematic Armies to lure people into the hobby
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Author:  Dikey [ Mon Apr 11, 2016 10:04 am ]
Post subject:  Thematic Armies to lure people into the hobby

First, I have to explain one thing. I am trying to convince old members of the group to rejoin the hobby and appeal to a couple of new guys as well. For this, I though of doing a couple of games using thematic forces (which are more appealing than the cheesy "tossing miniature on a table and roll"), however, those forces have to be also reasonably competitive (there's no appeal if your army is getting squashed) so I need some help.

this is the 800 points Galadhrim List

Galadriel, Lady of Light (Leader)

Haldir (Bow,Armor, Elven Cloak)
12 Galadhrim w/Bow

Rumil (elven cloak)
4 Galadhrim w/shields
4 Galadhrim w/ spears and shields
2 Galadhrim w/elven blades
2 Guards of Galadhrim Court

Celeborn (Fully equipped)
4 Galadhrim w/shields
4 Galadhrim w/ spears and shields
2 Galadhrim w/elven blades
2 Guards of Galadhrim Court

at 801 points. it should look pretty nice on a battlefield, but I'd like to have some feedback.

Author:  wartmanrp [ Tue Apr 19, 2016 5:43 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Thematic Armies to lure people into the hobby

I would go for smaller armies a side and maybe stick to mostly combat characters. 400pts is a good amount to play. It will be quicker and faster, meaning they're more likely to not get bogged down in rules, and will be left with a more positive impression.

Author:  Galanur [ Tue Apr 19, 2016 5:52 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Thematic Armies to lure people into the hobby

Well normally I stick with small games like wartmanrp mentioned. for newcomers its better start off with basic troops and basic characters like captains of a sort.

Normally I teach people this way.

1st and 2nd games 200pts:
Warbands as normal, exception is that you got no heroes, no monsters and no cav.

3rd and 4th game 200pts:
Warbands as normal, no heroes, add cavalary and/or wight type units, things that control oponents (no nazguls) just barrow wights, shades, specters and such..

5th and 6th game 300pts:
Warbands as normal, adding basic captains either foot or mounted, add cav and/or wight type units.

7th and 8th game 400pts:
Warbands as normal, adding basic captains either foot or mounted and/or basic named characters under 90pts, add cav and/or wight type units and monsters

9th and 10th game 400pts:
Warbands as normal, adding basic captains either foot or mounted and/or basic named characters under 90pts, add cav and/or wight type units and monsters
Now you can choose to get yourself with magic, so field in magical characters and introduction to 100pts + top heavyweight heroes.

from that point on 500pts + and tactics...

That´s how I do it, and normally people whom I teach grab it all easy so far

Author:  Galanur [ Tue Apr 19, 2016 6:01 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Thematic Armies to lure people into the hobby

As for thematic... well people go extremely well with:

Battle in khazad dum (dwarves vs goblins)
Last Alliance vs mordor (high elves and numenorians vs mordor)
Osgiliath Battles (Gondor vs mordor)
Rohan Battles (Rohan vs Isengard)
Attack on Lorien (wood elves vs goblins)

These are some themed forces you can pick up.
Just remember, key thing here its to balance stuff how... even if you bring less usefull units to the field, make sure you use em and clarify your oponent´s of such units usage. From that point on he will be awared of whats good or bad and get his own thoughts and ideas how to run lists.
Some might be eager to field named heroes like: where is legolas? I wanna shoot, shoot, shoot your entire army to shreds...
take it easy on these guys, you will have to teach the basics of the game itself rather than focussing on something, doesn´t necessarly means he will stick to that all the times, it will just prepare people for the income that will be thrown at them from oponents...

and most of all, dont mind if you make on purpose and lose the battle, its always an extra motivation for those who wanna get back into the hobby, they will notice your mistakes and tells you tha you did that on purpose and such :P but that is what is being an healthy player for the hobby anyway...

Author:  wartmanrp [ Wed Apr 20, 2016 5:31 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Thematic Armies to lure people into the hobby

I also highly recommend following some of the steps in this article: ... ral-primer

Author:  Dikey [ Thu Apr 21, 2016 8:09 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Thematic Armies to lure people into the hobby

thanks for the advice guys.

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