The One Ring

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Author:  Da Krimson Barun [ Mon May 23, 2016 9:50 pm ]
Post subject:  Easterlings

Wow it's been a while...anyway I'm thinking of starting a themed Easterling army. I can tell I need a phalanx and amdur but what else? I also have the huge problem of the pike to archer ratio in boxes, and only two warrior units. I'm mostly fighting dwarves. I want a 750 pts army. Any tips? It seems a warband of kataphrats with horsed amdur will work well. Also a drummer behind the phalanx to sound the advance might be effective. If the enemy has few bows use it to keep back and pepper him with arrows(like I said he's using dwarves so I have the range advantage) and if he has many use it to charge

Author:  jdizzy001 [ Tue May 24, 2016 5:42 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Easterlings

Khamul is a solid choice, you can have fifty percent archery with easterlings as well. If you are just starting a force, as a fellow Easterling player, I recommend purchasing two boxes of easterling warriors, amdur and two boxes of kataphrakes. This is just to get started, once you are sold on them get khamul and a warpriest.

Author:  bruceqn [ Tue May 24, 2016 1:23 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Easterlings

So much unique in Easterlings: mounted drum, 50% bows, pikes allowed with shields, all-army Fury instead of only by race. Yet I never take it to competitions, because I get more for my points with other armies...

That said: max your benefits.
Kamul (especially on a Fell Beast) and Amdur are good fighters: lots of bonuses.
Bows are average, but you get lots and you can arm them with Pikes to keep them in the fight after you can't shoot anymore.
Cavalry is average for the points cost, but carry that drum and your cavalry will never be out of range for that 15' movement. And drums are tricky: any friendly model within 12" cannot a mounted drum gives you some positioning options, leaving some troops free to charge, while others get that extra movement.
The Upgrade to Fight 4 is expensive...but just one row of archer/pikes will make your shield wall Fight 4.

A tough stand-alone army, but good for allying as well. Enjoy.

Author:  Da Krimson Barun [ Tue May 24, 2016 5:53 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Easterlings

Should Amdur be with the kataphrats or the infantry? And whats the current deal with shield and pikes? Can I still have(front to back)
Sword and shield
Pike and bow
In formation? I guess some of the archers can just have a spear on their backs.

Author:  jdizzy001 [ Tue May 24, 2016 9:31 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Easterlings

In regards to Amdur, the answer to the question depends on your style of play. I prefer infintry so I play him on foot. Others have a strict heroes must be mounted preference (and for good reason) so they always mount their heroes. Go with the play style you prefer.

As far as the phalanx goes, yes you can set up your phalanx as you described, unless I missed some new FAQ. If you are playing a strict WYSIWYG, then you will have a lot of converting to do, but that shouldn't be too much of an issue.

Author:  Da Krimson Barun [ Tue May 24, 2016 10:22 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Easterlings

Any idea on how to deal with Beorn the bear? My Friend is going to bring him. It's a 600pts tournament

Author:  jdizzy001 [ Wed May 25, 2016 6:14 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Easterlings

I am not familiar with Beor's rules, me and my group use the lotr range for the most part, but I would recommend swarming him. You will most likely have to burn some might so rely on Amdur and boost him with a bladewrath from a warpriest to get a str 6 hit on him.

Cavalry charge can help here. Alternatively, swarm him. A third option would be to ally in someone with immobilize or transfix. Khamul will be helpful as he has transfix.

Author:  infinateremains [ Wed May 25, 2016 7:51 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Easterlings

Da Krimson Barun wrote:
Any idea on how to deal with Beorn the bear? My Friend is going to bring him. It's a 600pts tournament

Beorn, sap will, drain courage, transfix and kill everything else. If everything else isn't squishy then sap will, transfix and swamp.

Warband 1 9/12
Khamûl the Easterling with armoured horse;
3 Easterling Warrior with Bow; Pike;
2 Easterling Warrior with Shield;
3 Black Dragon Warrior with Shield; Pike;
1 Black Dragon Warrior with Shield;
Warband 2 9/12
Easterling War Priest with armoured horse;
3 Easterling Warrior with Bow; Pike;
2 Easterling Warrior with Shield;
3 Black Dragon Warrior with Shield; Pike;
1 Black Dragon Warrior with Shield;
Warband 3 5/12
Amdûr, Lord of Blades with armoured horse;
1 Easterling Kataphrakt with Banner;
4 Black Dragon Kataphrakt

600pts 26models 6bows 6might

something like this could work.

Author:  Dikey [ Wed May 25, 2016 11:19 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Easterlings

infinateremains wrote:
Da Krimson Barun wrote:
Any idea on how to deal with Beorn the bear? My Friend is going to bring him. It's a 600pts tournament

Beorn, sap will, drain courage, transfix and kill everything else. If everything else isn't squishy then sap will, transfix and swamp.

Warband 1 9/12
Khamûl the Easterling with armoured horse;
3 Easterling Warrior with Bow; Pike;
2 Easterling Warrior with Shield;
3 Black Dragon Warrior with Shield; Pike;
1 Black Dragon Warrior with Shield;
Warband 2 9/12
Easterling War Priest with armoured horse;
3 Easterling Warrior with Bow; Pike;
2 Easterling Warrior with Shield;
3 Black Dragon Warrior with Shield; Pike;
1 Black Dragon Warrior with Shield;
Warband 3 5/12
Amdûr, Lord of Blades with armoured horse;
1 Easterling Kataphrakt with Banner;
4 Black Dragon Kataphrakt

600pts 26models 6bows 6might

something like this could work.

I'd drop the banner, since Amdur is already one. That and removing 2 black dragon upgrades from the shieldmen should allow for two more cavalry model.

Author:  infinateremains [ Wed May 25, 2016 1:31 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Easterlings

Dikey wrote:
I'd drop the banner, since Amdur is already one. That and removing 2 black dragon upgrades from the shieldmen should allow for two more cavalry model.

This is true, having another look, perhaps drop the banner, drop the BD upgrade on the shieldsmen and then max Khamul's warband to 4,4,4.

Author:  Da Krimson Barun [ Wed May 25, 2016 10:29 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Easterlings

I'm worried about the box set. It's worse then I thought. I though I could get shieldless pikes. Ill have to waste 8pts on shields for my pikes. Would a kataphrats drum in a warband be a good idea? Put him with the infantry sound the advance and move 18' in two turns

Author:  jdizzy001 [ Thu May 26, 2016 4:51 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Easterlings

I only recommended the box set because of the volume of troops you receive. If you want a mass of shield-less pike using easterlings you will have to do a lot of converting.

There is nothing wrong with putting a drummer in with your infantry. You just have to determine if it is worth the point value.

Author:  Da Krimson Barun [ Thu May 26, 2016 6:56 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Easterlings

Hmmm...I think the shield on the pike isn't that much of a waste. If the formation takes some hits they can move forward to plug the gaps.infinite why are you giving the war priest a horse? For me the big question now is should I bring khamul or another warband...however he would deal with hero's well but I have Amdur for that...hmm. considering I have so few options it's very hard to choose!

Author:  jdizzy001 [ Fri May 27, 2016 6:35 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Easterlings

Khamul would serve as an offensive spell caster, not just a melee wraith.

Author:  infinateremains [ Sat May 28, 2016 10:22 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Easterlings

The bigger base size of the warpriest on horse means he can cover a greater distance with his fury and move to where needed easier.

Author:  Da Krimson Barun [ Sat May 28, 2016 10:39 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Easterlings

Bought 46ish easterlings and 2 banners and a captain. They're in Canada though.

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