The One Ring

Mustering the Rohirrim
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Author:  Kelthrai [ Fri Dec 09, 2016 8:08 pm ]
Post subject:  Mustering the Rohirrim

I'm a fairly new re-entrant into the game, I've been playing Dol Amroth-centric Fiefdoms and Fighting Uruk-hai for a while, and I'm looking for a bit of a change, so I've opted for Rohan, preferably all-mounted and reasonably fluffy.

I'm looking for a fluffy all-mounted army, roughly the time of the evacuation of Edoras in The Two Towers and/or the ride to Gondor in Return of the King. My local scene uses points values going in 100pt increments of 500-800pts.

I tried to start at 500 points, with various failed armies looking something like this:

Theoden, heavy armour, amoured horse, shield
Royal Guard, throwing spears, horses

Erkenbrand, horse
Westfold Redshields, throwing spears
Outriders, horses

Gamling, Banner, horse

This is the type of fluffy list I'm looking at - no Sons of Eorl, using named characters alive at the time of the War of the Ring, using Dark Age cavalry tactics (i.e. walk up, throw spears, run away) etc. Can someone help me build a base, 500pts force that I can build up from there?

I hope this make sense, and someone can help.

Author:  Rownage [ Fri Dec 09, 2016 10:47 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Mustering the Rohirrim

I once played a Westfold themed list, which at 700 points consisted of about 32 Westfold Redshields, a banner, Erkenbrand and two kitted out captains. I suppose you could do something similar, but cut out two horsemen in exchange for the throwing spears.

Author:  Wan Shi Tong [ Sun Dec 11, 2016 2:59 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Mustering the Rohirrim

If you can find yourself two solid heroes I think you can make it work. I recommend Eomer and Theoden and maybe Eowyn if you want a third hero. Or Erkenbrand and Theodred if you can get him. The Royal Standard is not something worth bringing until after 700pts because of how much of your troop points it eats up. If you bring two heroes and a royal guard with banner you'll have the points to get at the least 3 or 4 more guys. Also don't rely on dark age European tactics when you have a basic troop with unlimited bows. True their not as strong but you can't get caught by infantry and bad priority roles that way. Plus your already paying for them and throwing spears cost extra.

Author:  Kelthrai [ Tue Dec 13, 2016 2:10 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Mustering the Rohirrim

Ok, so I played around with my lists, and here's what I've come up with so far:

500pts all cav:

Theoden, heavy armour, horse, shield
5 Royal Guard, horses, throwing spears

Erkenbrand, horse
8 Westfold Redshields

Gamling, flag, horse
2 Westfold Redshields

500pts all foot:

Theoden, heavy armour, shield
9 Royal Guard, throwing spears

8 Warriors of Rohan, shields, throwing spears

Gamling, flag
9 Warriors of Rohan, shield, throwing spears

500pts mix:

Theoden, horse, heavy armour, shield
10 Warriors of Rohan, shields, throwing spears
1 Warrior of Rohan, shield, throwing spear, flag

Erkenbrand, horse
8 Westfold Redshields

Gamling, horse, flag.

600pts horse

Theoden, horse, heavy armour, shield
7 Royal Guard, horses, throwing spears

Erkenbrand, horse
8 Westfold Redshields
1 Westfold Redshield, banner

Gamling, horse, flag
2 Westfold Redshields
2 Outriders, horses

600pts foot

Theoden, heavy armour, shield
10 Royal Guard, throwing spears

10 Warriors of Rohan, shields, throwing spears

Gamling, flag
6 Warriors of Rohan, shields, throwing spears
2 Royal Guard, flags
2 Warriors of Rohan, shields, throwing spears
1 Outrider

What does everyone think of these so far?

Author:  Steven bonnar [ Tue Dec 13, 2016 10:01 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Mustering the Rohirrim

Good lists, pick one and play it, and learn how it work's. :)

Also if going full cav you won't need full throwing spears which will free up a few pts for an extra rider or 2!

Author:  Hodush [ Sat Dec 17, 2016 4:32 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Mustering the Rohirrim

My all mounted Rohan list that i took to a tournament is Erkenbrand and Eomer Knight of the Pelennor. The rest is just Riders. You can add some spears if you like. They are ok but the -1 to hit is annoying so next time I would drop the spears for another model or 2. You have the bows for the same tactic anyway.. sometimes you are just better off playing with the current best rules and losing a little fluff.
It is a competitive army and still thematic.

One other adjustment i would suggest thinking about is 4 Sons of Eorl and 2 outriders who can hold objectives, but the RRG would do that too. The outriders are slighty better imo as they can shoot the models charging to your flank or rear objectives so you usually wont have army to assist. The RRG would have to wait to be charged or charge away from the objective if the distances were not in your favour.

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