The One Ring

getting back into it...High Elves
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Author:  RedElf [ Sun Jan 07, 2018 11:44 pm ]
Post subject:  getting back into it...High Elves

I have not played in 5 there a good High Elf build using the old figs....what I have is High Elf two handed swordsmen...High Elf archers...the twins on foot , Elrond on foot and Gil Galad on foot...looking for 500 and 750 builds...thanks

Author:  Wan Shi Tong [ Mon Jan 08, 2018 2:23 am ]
Post subject:  Re: getting back into it...High Elves

I guess you posted twice during the moderator review period. Nice to know you are a returning veteran. If you have not picked up the hobbit expansion rules update you might want to. A few things of great import have changed but you can likely get the gist of it from one of the Youtube channels that have videos going into the games basics. A new Middle Earth branded rule book is supposed to be coming out some time later this year some perhaps you want to wait on buying a book and just pick up some additional models. The Spearmen, Rivendell Knights and command pack are pretty important to rounding out the small high elf roster.

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