The One Ring

Returning player. Isengard
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Author:  UndeadKing [ Tue Jan 09, 2018 8:08 am ]
Post subject:  Returning player. Isengard

After a time away from the hobby I am coming back to lotr. I have decided to go with Isengard while my mate picks up Rohan.
I really like the uruk hai scouts. Are they viable as a stand alone force? I'm thinking scouts backed up with ferals and some berzerkers. I'll put up a list later when I've worked one out. Any help will be appreciated though.


Author:  Wan Shi Tong [ Thu Jan 11, 2018 10:17 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Returning player. Isengard

Uruk-hai scouts are not to bad run without the support of the heavier troops but since you have berserkers and ferals it will not be solo anyway. Those two units, but particularly the berserkers, can carry an whole army as the mainline unit. If you want to do an Isenguard scout themed list as you build up alongside an opponent I think it would do fine. I would recommend getting the named heroes and some orcs to add a little variety. Dunlanding units are objectively worse than scouts as far as I can tell but they are easy to proxy with Gripping Beast or Fireforge miniatures to add a bit of character to a raiding scenario.

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