The One Ring

Mordor 800p tournament
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Author:  Maxgorthor [ Wed Apr 10, 2019 1:13 pm ]
Post subject:  Mordor 800p tournament

Hey guys can you help me on my list and first tournament? I made only 2 games. I'm new in lotr because i'm a 9th player :)

Warband 1 281p
Shadow lord on horse
7 black guard + banner
7 orc spear

Warband 2 296p
undying on fellbeast
7 black guard
7 orc spear

Warband 3 223p
shaggrat shield of ciry ungol,heavy armor
6 black guard
6 orc spear

Total: 800 points

Author:  Wan Shi Tong [ Wed Apr 10, 2019 5:30 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Mordor 800p tournament

Hmm. The black guard can be tough costumers for most armies when deployed on mass but they are expensive for that. Wraiths on wings are also not the killing machines they once were, however, they can still pose a challenge to most heroes. Bringing two of them will just an expensive infantry really cuts into your numbers though. I think even Rivendell and Iron Hills would have you beat by 10 models. Plus, you've got no shooting and are kind of slow aside from the wraiths so that could be a problem for capture and control/seize the prize.

I would recommend something like this.

Knight of Umbar on fellbeast
6 black guard
6 orcs with spear

Undying on fellbeast
6 black guard
6 orcs with spear

Shadow lord on horse
6 morannan orcs with shield
6 morannan orcs with spear

Even with the increase in numbers, the lack of any banners will be troublesome as will the lack of bows or horsemen if you get into a scrap with something that has gone heavy into either itself.

Author:  Maxgorthor [ Wed Apr 10, 2019 6:58 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Mordor 800p tournament

List udapte with yours tips

Author:  polywags [ Thu Apr 11, 2019 1:48 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Mordor 800p tournament

I think, even at 800 points, three wraiths might be too many. I don't have a ton of experience with Mordor but, your troops while efficient and powerful they have poor courage and fight so you need, one, not to break cause everything will run, fast, and two, since you have lower fight you will need more models, more dice to win the fights. All of which points towards, mob out.
So I think you don't want to take a lot of expensive heroes you want to take 3-4 maybe even 5 warbands, and throw endless ranks of orcs at them.

I do kinda like the idea of the Shadow Lord I dunno which wraiths are actually best though. I think I'd probably take either Gothmog or one of the new orc captains or Shagrat, troll chieftain maybe, and cut some stuff up.

Author:  Wan Shi Tong [ Thu Apr 11, 2019 10:47 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Mordor 800p tournament

The black guard of on par with other elites and with so many of them I think you ought to be able to trade well with most other elite armies and even some ones with larger numbers. Shaggrat is solid for hero fighting and the magic support from the wraiths will help too. The lack of a banner has been fixed. That should help against fight four and five heavy armies. I don't know how competitive a build this is in optimized mordor building terms but it look fairly strong in melee focused games to me.

Author:  Maxgorthor [ Thu Apr 11, 2019 9:49 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Mordor 800p tournament

Thank you for the tips, i will tell you what i have do with this for my first tournament :)

Author:  Maxgorthor [ Mon Apr 15, 2019 8:27 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Mordor 800p tournament

I made 2 games:
N°1: iron hills with: dain on war pig dwalin on goat and thorin on goat with 6 crossbow;3 goat; and 19 warrior.
N°2: esterling: amdur;khamul fellbeast; war priest; knight with 8 cavalry warrior and 19 warriors.

N°1: i use transfix on ennemy heroes and when they have use all W and F points i let the black guard to kill them.
N°2: i one shoot the knight with spell with my shadow.
Amdur and khamul were tank by the immortal. I transfix khamul to force him use W points or immobilise him if he missed and i tank amdur during the fight. ( I have 1 tour the priority during the game..) with the immortal ; i charge amdur to fell him of his horse. I achieve amdur and khamul with the black guard and saggrath separing litteraly the phalange of esterling in 2 and kill himself 10 of the 19 warrios

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