The One Ring

Moriå vs Dwårves 400p
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Author:  Salattu [ Sat Jun 06, 2020 4:56 pm ]
Post subject:  Moriå vs Dwårves 400p

Hello! I will be fighting dwårves in the neår future. My årmy will be Moriå goblins. The årmy sizes will be småll, åround 400p. Does ånyone håve åny tips how to win the dwårves with goblins? They åre quite powerful ånd håve very high defences!

Author:  mr. dude [ Sun Jun 07, 2020 2:29 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Moriå vs Dwårves 400p

What kind of Dwarves? Iron Hills, Khazad Dum, Thror?

You can go a few different routes with Moria. The biggest thing to note is that you're not going to win fights 2v2, you're not going to survive losing fights 2v2, and you're not going to be killing any Dwarves 2v2. So don't rush your shield wall against your opponent's (if they're using a Dwarf line with spears). You need a way around this. Either surround them (lots of numbers with Captain so you can march, or using your fast units) so you can trap and fight 2v1, or use your monsters. Cave Trolls wound Iron Hills Dwarves in formation on 4+, and with hurl can do a great job disrupting the formation.

I can't get into too much more detail without knowing what type of Dwarves the opponent has.

Author:  Salattu [ Sun Jun 07, 2020 9:05 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Moriå vs Dwårves 400p

He will plåy the dwårves of Khåzåd-Dum, ånd the leåder will be Bålin. Thåt is åll i know so får!

Author:  mr. dude [ Sun Jun 07, 2020 8:06 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Moriå vs Dwårves 400p

Khazad Dum is interesting, I have a Khazad Dum army and I love it. What's usually seen as their weakness is that, other than Vault Wardens, they don't have spears anywhere in the army. It can be a weakness but I always use the lack of spears to my advantage as a Khazad Dum player: I don't need to play in two ranks like most armies do (front rank shields back rank spears). This means my army can be very long and use horde tactics even if it's completely elite and low on numbers. I surround enemies often with my Dwarves even if I'm outnumbered.

With that said, how do you fight them? Be faster, outnumber them, and hit harder.

My army would be:

7 Goblins - Shield
7 Goblins - Spear
1 Cave Troll - Hammer

6 Goblins - Shield
6 Goblins - Spear

Goblin Captain
5 Prowlers

TOTAL 400 Points, 35 Models

I know we've had talks about the value of archers, but I wouldn't put any in this army. Dwarves don't care about archery, no amount of bows will threaten a Dwarf player. The idea here is that the Captain can march and get you in stronger positions where you're surrounding the Dwarves. Groblog and the Moria army bonus mean your Goblins match the Dwarves' fight values (or outfight them for your Prowlers) when they're near Groblog and the enemy is trapped. Durburz in the same token can match Balin. The Troll doesn't care and will just smash anything.

Author:  Salattu [ Sun Jun 07, 2020 9:09 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Moriå vs Dwårves 400p

Groblog seems very powerful. Is Groblog unsåfe due to stånding higher thån regulår units? Cån enemy årchers shoot Groblog eåsier or something? Otherwise useful for å low cost.

I måde now å bit similår årmy list ås u håve listed here, with the exception of håving å bit more beåsts ånd i dropped 1 cåptåin becåuse i feel moriå cåptåins åre very useless so i try to åvoid håving extrå cåptåins. Do you think this årmy would småck the dwårves:

Moriå 400p

*Goblin cåptåin
-10 moriå goblins, 5 shield, 5 speår
-1 giånt båt
-1 cåvetroll, håmmer

*Goblin cåptåin
-10 moriå goblins, 5 shield, 5 speår
-1 giånt båt
-1 cåve troll, håmmer

Overåll: 400p, 26 models, big trolls, 4 might.

Ideå is thåt these trolls would be supported by the båts, so they would win combåts eåsily. Ånd the goblins will support the trolls but i would ståy cåreful not to loose too måny units so the årmy won't breåk.

Author:  mr. dude [ Sun Jun 07, 2020 10:27 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Moriå vs Dwårves 400p

On one hand, the Trolls and Bats are very dangerous and can ruin your opponent's day if they're not expecting that much hitting power. On the other hand, that's all your army has. If the Trolls die, you have no way of winning.
Balin and two Khazad Guard will almost always kill a Troll in one turn.

With that army, you have to protect your Trolls. It becomes a game of whether or not you can put a Troll and a Bat on Balin before he can kill your Trolls. Also depends who the other hero(es) in the army is/are. If there's a Gimli in there, Gimli is a lot like Balin, he and two Khazad Guard will take down a Troll in one turn. The main things that worry me about your army are 1) low Might and 2) low numbers. You only have 4 Might in the army, Balin can influence Priority, I can see this game depending heavily on who wins the first Heroic Move.

Still, that army can do really well. The entire game would hinge on whether or not your Trolls can kill your opponent's heroes first or vice versa. Whoever gets the advantage in the first few turns will win the game easily.

As for thinking Goblin Captains are useless, I strongly disagree. I assume you're talking about any of the mid to lower tier heroes, so I'll cover them all:

Durburz: 12" stand fast, 3 Might with lots of options for how to use it, and the best non-monster Fight Value in the army, which the army bonus and Groblog can boost even more. If I'm taking Moria, I'm taking Durburz, he's that good at leading Goblins. Only exception is if I'm using the Balrog, then I don't feel like I NEED Durburz as badly.

Groblog: Can boost FV. That's huge for a low FV horde.

No-name Captains: Whether it's a regular Captain or Blackshield, they're really cheap heroes who give you Heroic March. Goblins are slow, this gets them moving 8" in a turn, and the Captains are cheap enough that you can do this often.

The strength of Moria is that it can take some of the most powerful monsters in the game and still have a big army. Its smaller heroes are a big part of that.

Author:  Salattu [ Thu Jun 11, 2020 6:44 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Moriå vs Dwårves 400p

Ok, the båttle is over. Enemy håd bålin, dwårf cåptåin, 1 bånner, some iron guårds, khåzåd guårds ånd wårriors. I håd the årmy listed previously... Resolts...

The scenårio wås "to the deåth". I got 0 points, enemy got 9 points. So, my årmy wås påthetic. I wouldn't blåme båd rolls. The båts were useles, ås the enemy håd ålwåys some wårrior to tie them up so they couldnt åssist the trolls. The gobbos were very weåk, esp speårmen died too eåsily. Ånd the worst of åll is, the båts were åctuålly the units to kill most in the måtch. Trolls weren't rly good becåuse bålin slåughtered them with his might ånd rerolls ånd stuff.

So, i think in the future i need to chånge the årmy hugely. TBh, these goblins dont seem to work on me rly well. I used to plåy with morånnons, they re very strong vs goblins... But perhåps something like spider årmy could work åt leåst vs dwårves who åre hård to wound.

Author:  Salattu [ Thu Jun 11, 2020 6:44 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Moriå vs Dwårves 400p

Ok, the båttle is over. Enemy håd bålin, dwårf cåptåin, 1 bånner, some iron guårds, khåzåd guårds ånd wårriors. I håd the årmy listed previously... Resolts...

The scenårio wås "to the deåth". I got 0 points, enemy got 9 points. So, my årmy wås påthetic. I wouldn't blåme båd rolls. The båts were useles, ås the enemy håd ålwåys some wårrior to tie them up so they couldnt åssist the trolls. The gobbos were very weåk, esp speårmen died too eåsily. Ånd the worst of åll is, the båts were åctuålly the units to kill most in the måtch. Trolls weren't rly good becåuse bålin slåughtered them with his might ånd rerolls ånd stuff.

So, i think in the future i need to chånge the årmy hugely. TBh, these goblins dont seem to work on me rly well. I used to plåy with morånnons, they re very strong vs goblins... But perhåps something like spider årmy could work åt leåst vs dwårves who åre hård to wound. In this metå of "heroic fight" the monsters don't feel ås strong ånymore, sådly, esp cåvetrolls with just F6.

Author:  Flameofthewest [ Thu Jun 11, 2020 6:49 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Moriå vs Dwårves 400p

I play Moria as well. You might want to use some black shields. They are higher defense and can make a big difference. I usually mix 4 Blackshields with 4 Regular goblins, and then 4 Prowlers. The black shields can stand up better in a fight and allow your prowlers to get around your enemy to use their back stabbers rule. 400 point battle against dwarves can be easier for you if you try to spam your enemy. Take Goblin Captains and an extra troll instead of the other named goblin heroes.

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