Greetings to All!
My apologies for being away for so long. I'm now re-opening for trade. Hopefully you'll find something of interest in my listing.
Most of the figures in this list come from BGIME.
(m) = metal, (p) = plastic and (mtd) = mounted.
All mounted models come with horses.
All models are unpainted, unless specified as stripped, but have been removed from their sprue.
Trade FormCountry: Australia;
I have:* One Ring Rule Book, hardly used and in excellent condition
* LOME Rule Book, hardly used and in excellent condition
* Harad Supplement, hardly used and in excellent condition
* BGIME Magazines, Issues 1 - 61 all in binders, excellent condition, magazines only.
* Aragorn King of Gondor (m) Foot & Mounted NIB
* Faramir's Rangers (x3) (m)
* Gondorian Swordsmen (p) x24
* Gondorian Bowmen (m) x2
* Rangers of Gondor with bow (m) x3
* Riders of Rohan with spear (p, mtd) x3
* Riders of Rohan with bow (p, mtd) x1
* Riders of Rohan with axe (p, mtd) x2
* Riders of Rohan with sword (p, mtd) x3
* Rohan Spearmen (p) x13
* Rohan Swordsmen (p) x11
* Rohan Axemen (p)
* Gamling (m) x2
* Eomer (m)
* Eomer (m, mtd) x2
* Theoden (m)
* Theodered (m, mtd)
* Eowyn (m) x2
* Boromir - Fellowship (m) x2
* Boromir - Amon Hen (horn) (m) x3
* Gandalf The Grey - You shall not pass! (m) x3
* Frodo - Fellowship (m) (paint has been stripped)
* Pippin - Fellowship (m)
* Samwise - Fellowship (m)
* Tom Bombadil (m)
* Merry in armour (m) x2
* Pippin in armour (m) x2
* Gandalf the White (m) x2
* Aragorn with bow (m) x2
* Grima (m)
* Farmer Maggot + 3 dogs (m)
* Witch King (drawing sword) (m) x3
* Balin (m)
* Gimli - Fellowship (m)
* Glorfindal (m)
* Easterling Captain (m)
* Gollum (fish) (m)
* Gothmog (m) x2
* Elrond (m) x2
* Elendil (m)
* Isildur (m) x2
* Ghan-buri-ghan (m)
* Arwen + Frodo (m, mtd)
* Orc + Banner (m) x2
And I would like:* Dead Marsh Spectres. In particular the elf
* Dunlendings
* Uruk-hai Shaman
* Wild Men of Dunland
* Goblin Drummers
* Goblin Captains
* Orc Captains
* Orc Warriors (metal only)
* Goblin Warriors (metal only)