The One Ring

W: New Rohan, Gondor, Elf, and Dwarf finecast command figs
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Author:  Killerkatanas [ Sun Jan 20, 2013 2:10 am ]
Post subject:  W: New Rohan, Gondor, Elf, and Dwarf finecast command figs

I am looking for some of the new finecast figures that were only made available in the new packs.

Rohan Kings Huntsmen
Gondor Knight of the Tower
Elf Hornblower
Dwarf Hornblower

I have the following to trade:
12 x Packs of OOP Metal Mordor Orc Warriors
12 x Packs of OOP metal Mordor Orc bows
Unopened boxed Metal Mordor Troll
Glorfingdale on foot (loose figure from mounted/foot blister)
Legolas on foot (loose figure from mounted/foot blister)
8 x Metal Dwarf Bowmen (loose, stripped figures)

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