The One Ring

Gezko's Trade Post
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Author:  Gezko [ Tue Jan 29, 2013 11:35 pm ]
Post subject:  Gezko's Trade Post

Country: UK, would rather not post overseas, sorry.

I have:
Unpainted or base coated, unless stated.
    * Eowyn, Ft - Painted
    * Eomer, Ft&Mnt - Mnt painted but being stripped
    * 6 Riders of Rohan - Painted
    * 6 Riders of Rohan
    * 12 Warriors of Rohan - Painted
    * 8 Warriors of Rohan w/bow (GS plume, proxy Outriders) - Painted
    * 8 Warriors of Rohan w/bow
    * 9 Warriors of Rohan, w/throwing spear - Painted

    * Aragorn, charging, Stryder & Mnt
    * Faramir, ranger (missing sword arm) & Mnt - Painted
    * Boromir, warhorn - Painted
    * 3 Rangers, metal
    * 5 Knights of Minas Tirith - 1 partially painted
    * 12 Warriors of Minas Tirith w/bow - 5 partially painted
    * 12 Warriors of Minas Tirith w/spear - 4 partially painted
    * 16 Warriors of Minas Tirith - 7 partially painted

    * Balin, old
    * Gimli, 4 different models
    * Elendil Ft - Painted
    * Legolas Ft - Painted

(Faramir as a ranger, Beregond and the three rangers, were bought from eBay and have a low quality of painting, didn't get round to repainting them)

And I would like:
    * Lurtz, bow
    * Mauhur
    * Ugluk
    * Vraska
    * Thrydan Wolfsbane
    * Uruk-hai Command
    * 6 Uruk-hai Warriors w/pike
    * 6 Uruk-hai Warriors
    * 5 Uruk-hai Scouts w/bow
    * 2 Feral Uruk-hai

    Eastern Kingdoms
    * Any hero, except Khamul
    * 6 Easterling Warriors w/pikes

    * Mardin
    * Durin
    * Iron Guard
    * Vault Warden Team
    * Kings Champion

Will consider other models, feel free to PM me.


Author:  Men of the East [ Wed Jan 30, 2013 3:21 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Gezko's Trade Post

im getting some new figure sculpts, if you can wait i would gladly trade my witch king of angmar of agandaur for erkenbarnd or eorl the young (witch king from BFME2:ROTWK and agandaur from war in the north)

Author:  Gezko [ Wed Jan 30, 2013 7:02 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Gezko's Trade Post

Sorry already agreed to trade both them, will remove from the list when its confirmed.

Added Eomer Ft & Mnt

Author:  Gezko [ Mon Feb 04, 2013 1:28 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Gezko's Trade Post


I also have taken photos of all of them, if you are interested and want to see just PM me.

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