The One Ring

gaarew's games room gut-out - looking for Lotr Dwarfs
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Author:  gaarew [ Fri Jun 13, 2014 5:34 pm ]
Post subject:  gaarew's games room gut-out - looking for Lotr Dwarfs

I am in the process of listing and clearing out some of the thousands of models I have amassed over the years, this is just the start (of the LotR stuff...) plenty more to get added.

Generally looking for NIB/on sprue and metal stuff. Painted metal is OK as it will be getting stripped. Really not interested in any finecast stuff unless it was never available in metal. Also, if you want anything here, and don't have anything I'm looking for, PM me and we might be able to work something out.

This is mainly just the untouched stuff, I still have a couple of boxes of figures to go through, plus the display cabinets...


Trade Form

Country: Falkirk, Central Scotland. UK.

I have:

    1 Dragon metal as new
    1 Durburz metal as new
    1 Moria Goblin Shaman metal as new
    2 Goblin Shaman metal as new
    1 Goblin Captain (sword) metal as new
    1 goblin captain (sword/shield) metal part painted
    1 Goblin Captain (bow) metal as new
    1 Goblin Captain (bow) metal part painted
    drauzhags bats metal as new
    1 Goblin Drummers (drum primed) metal as new
    8 Moria Goblins bow metal as new
    4 Moria Goblins Shield metal as new
    8 Goblin Prowlers metal as new

    15 Axeman of lossarnch metal as new
    8 Riders of the Dead metal as new
    1 Prince Imrahil mounted metal as new
    1 Prince Imrahil foot metal primed
    21 Men at arms of Dol Amroth metal as new
    4 Knights of dol amroth mounted metal as new
    6 Clansmen of lamedon metal as new
    1 Captain of Dol amroth mounted metal as new
    1 captain of Dol amroth foot metal primed
    1 Knight of dol amroth mounted/banner metal as new
    1 knight of dol amroth banner metal primed
    1 forlong the fat metal primed
    1 angbor of lamedon metal primed
    2 Avenger Bolt thrower and crew metal as new
    1 Battlecry trebuchet and crew metal as new
    1 Warrior of minas tirith – banner metal as new
    1 aragorn elessar – ft/mounted metal as new
    1 denethor metal as new
    1 isildur ft/mounted metal as new
    1 elendil metal stripped
    3 kings of men metal as new
    18 warriors of gondor – shield plastic as new
    8 warriors of minas tirith bow plastic as new
    8 warrior of minas tirith – spear plastic as new
    8 warrior of minas tirith – shield plastic as new
    4 Osgiliath veteran – spear metal painted
    5 Osgiliath veteran – shield metal painted
    4 Osgiliath veteran – bow metal painted
    1 Cirion metal painted
    1 Gondor Horn Blower metal painted
    1 Gondor Big Banner metal painted
    12 warrior of minas tirith – spear plastic painted
    10 warrior of minas tirith – shield plastic painted
    1 warrior of minas tirith – banner metal painted
    1 captain of minas tirith metal painted
    5 Ranger – bow plastic part painted
    4 Ranger – spear plastic part painted
    5 Ranger – sword plastic part painted
    1 madril metal part painted
    1 damrod metal part painted
    1 Faramir – ranger metal part painted
    9 Army of the Dead metal painted
    1 King of the Dead metal painted
    17 Army of the Dead metal part painted
    1 Army of the Dead – banner metal built
    5 Ranger – bow plastic built
    5 Ranger – spear plastic built
    5 Ranger – sword plastic built
    1 ranger of the north metal built
    20 Army of the Dead plastic built
    20 Army of the Dead plastic primed

    1 dark marshal – mounted metal as new
    1 dark marshal – foot metal part painted
    1 the tainted – ft/mounted metal primed
    1 Undying – mounted metal as new
    1 shadow lord – mounted metal as new
    1 shadow lord – foot metal primed
    1 Betrayer – mounted metal as new
    1 knight of umbar – mounted metal as new
    1 Dwimmerlaik – ft/mounted metal as new
    1 Ringwraith – mounted metal as new
    3 Orc captain metal as new
    2 orc banner metal as new
    2 morannon orc captain metal as new
    1 morannon orc banner metal as new
    1 morannon orc shaman metal as new
    1 Gothmog – mounted metal as new
    3 mordor uruk-hai metal as new
    1 witch king metal as new
    2 mordor orc drummer metal as new
    1 mordor orc taskmaster metal as new
    1 mordor orc shaman metal as new
    3 black guard of barad dur metal as new
    1 mordor troll plastic built
    1 mordor troll drummer plastic built
    1 mordor troll metal primed
    1 mordor troll chieftain metal primed
    1 troll loader metal as new
    1 shelob plus frodo/sam metal as new
    58 Morannon Orcs plastic painted
    5 Morannon Orcs plastic painted broken spears
    1 Morannon Orc Captain metal painted
    2 Mordor Orc Shaman metal painted
    4 Castellans of Dol Guldur metal painted
    2 Mordor Orc Banner metal painted
    1 Mordor Orc Captain metal painted
    1 Gothmog (lumpy face) metal painted
    1 Mouth of Sauron ft metal painted
    1 mouth of Sauron mounted metal part painted
    4 Morgul Stalkers metal part painted
    1 Shagrat War Leader metal part painted
    1 Shagrat mithril coat metal part painted
    9 Dead Marsh Veterans metal painted
    1 Spider Queen / 3 Broodling Bases metal painted
    1 Necromancer metal painted
    1 Witch-king on Fell beast metal primed
    2 Barrow-wraiths metal painted
    8 Ringwraith – foot metal painted
    1 witch-king on foot (wraith) metal painted
    52 mordor orcs plastic painted
    48 mordor orcs plastic part painted
    1 Sauron metal painted
    4 Giant Spiders metal painted
    1 Mordor Troll metal painted
    1 Mordor Troll chieftain metal painted
    6 Wild Wargs plastic painted
    6 Wild Wargs plastic part painted
    1 Wild Warg chieftain metal painted
    1 Mordor War Catapult (3 crew and Troll) metal primed
    7 mounted ringwraiths metal part painted
    1 Witch-king mounted metal part painted
    2 bat swarms metal painted
    2 shades metal painted
    3 mordor siege bows (2 crew) metal painted
    2 mordor orc captains (newer) metal primed
    16 morannon orcs plastic part painted

    1 Elladan – ft/mounted metal as new
    1 elrohir ft/mounted metal as new
    1 Glorfindel mounted metal as new
    1 Gil-galad metal as new
    1 galdhrim banner metal as new
    1 wood elf captain metal as new
    1 haldir helms deep metal as new
    1 haldirs elf with bow metal as new
    1 arwen/frodo, ft/mounted metal primed
    12 high elf – elven blade plastic as new
    12 high elf – bow plastic as new
    8 high elf – elven blade plastic part painted
    8 high elf – bow plastic part painted
    9 high elf – spear/shield metal part painted
    1 high elf captain metal part painted
    1 high elf banner metal part painted
    1 erestor metal part painted
    1 glorfindel lotw (white council box pose) metal part painted
    1 arwen (newer pose) metal part painted
    1 celeborn armoured metal part painted
    1 ciridan metal painted
    1 gildor iglorian metal primed
    3 Wood elf sentinels metal painted
    1 wood elf banner metal painted
    1 thranduil (white council) metal painted
    8 wood elf – bow plastic painted 1 broken bow
    8 wood elf – spear plastic painted
    8 wood elf – blade plastic painted
    6 wood elf archer metal primed

    4 Haradrim Raiders plastic as new
    2 Half-trolls metal as new
    2 hasharin metal as new
    1 hasharin (new) metal as new
    1 haradrim hornblower metal as new
    1 haradrim banner (command box) metal as new
    1 suladan ft/mounted metal as new
    7 serpent riders metal as new
    12 khandish archers metal as new
    24 khandish axemen metal as new
    3 khandish horse archer metal as new
    5 khandish hores axeman metal as new
    2 khandish chieftain ft/mounted metal as new
    4 khandish chieftain foot metal as new
    1 corsair captain metal as new
    1 corsair bosun metal as new
    8 corsair bow plastic as new
    4 corsair shield plastic as new
    3 corsair spear plastic as new

    2 Barrow-wraiths metal as new
    3 bat swarms metal as new
    2 Barrow-wraiths metal primed

    1 ukfb beorn metal as new

    1 gwaihir metal as new
    1 Tom Bombadil metal primed
    1 Goldberry metal primed
    12 Hobbit Militia metal painted
    1 farmer maggot and 3 dogs metal primed

    1 gamling metal as new

And I would like:

    Dwarf Stuff

    23 Warriors of Erebor - hand weapon/shield
    22 Warriors of Erebor - spear/shield
    29 Grimhammers (or 3 boxes)
    4 King's Champions (complete)
    3 Vault Warden Teams
    3 Ballista
    44 Iron Guard
    6 Shieldbearers
    10 Dwarf Banner Bearer (1 and 2)
    Dwarf Hornblower (yeah, finecast I know...)
    Captains (preferable shield)
    58 Dwarf Warriors - hand weapon/shield
    56 Dwarf Warriors - two handed weapon
    24 Dwarf Archers
    70 Dwarf Rangers - throwing weapons
    70 Dwarf Rangers - two handed weapon
    75 Dwarf Rangers - bow

    3 Giant Eagles (plastic ones)

    Original Metal Dwarfs

    Dwarf Bowman 2 (ponytail)
    Dwarf Bowman 3 (firing pose)
    Dwarf Axeman 1 (9947146500602)
    Dwarf Axeman 2 (9947146500603)
    Dwarf with 2 Handed Axe (9947146500602)

    Dwarf King 2 (9947146500102) Cream beard
    Dwarf King 4 (9947146500102) Brown beard/THW

    Could be tempted by some

    New The Hobbit Finecast Dwarfs

    Thror, The Last King Under the Mountain
    Young Thorin Oakenshield
    Young Balin the Dwarf
    Young Dwalin the Dwarf
    Captain of Erebor
    Grimhammers Captain

    Other Random Stuff

    21 WotR Infantry trays
    12 WotR Cavalry Trays

    The 3 Trolls
    Goblin King throwing Goblin
    Dweller in the Dark

Author:  SouthernDunedain [ Fri Jun 13, 2014 6:44 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: gaarew's games room gut-out - looking for Lotr Dwarfs

I am interested in the warg shaman, Dalamyr, Harad taskmaster, Mordor Taskmaster and the Golden King.

I have a BNIB shieldbear (metal) and 4 vault warden teams (painted metal).

PM me pal, hopefully we can reach an agreement. (oh and UK based).

Author:  ja33 [ Fri Jun 13, 2014 7:43 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: gaarew's games room gut-out - looking for Lotr Dwarfs

pm'ed !

Author:  dpb1298 [ Fri Jun 13, 2014 8:43 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: gaarew's games room gut-out - looking for Lotr Dwarfs

PM sent

Author:  Leonardis [ Fri Jun 13, 2014 8:54 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: gaarew's games room gut-out - looking for Lotr Dwarfs

I have a tonne of dwarves (check out on our website) the WotR dwarf army is mine...
Interested in dol Amroth, the betrayer, the dwimmerlaik, any khandish cavalry and foot axes :-) oh also corsair bows :-)
PM sent

Author:  Dr Grant [ Fri Jun 13, 2014 9:16 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: gaarew's games room gut-out - looking for Lotr Dwarfs


Author:  gaarew [ Fri Jun 13, 2014 11:41 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: gaarew's games room gut-out - looking for Lotr Dwarfs

Holy PM overload Batman! Will go through them all in the morning after work. Cheers.

Author:  joshuar_au [ Sat Jun 14, 2014 1:31 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: gaarew's games room gut-out - looking for Lotr Dwarfs

Hi, I have the 2 poses of metal dwarf bowmen you wanted, and about 10 infantry trays I think.

I am interested in:
Goblin Shaman (the OOP pose)
orc shaman on warg
khandish chieftan mtd
a particular pose of morannon orc captain

Are you interested in trading anything?

Author:  gaarew [ Sat Jun 14, 2014 7:56 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: gaarew's games room gut-out - looking for Lotr Dwarfs

Apologies for the lack of replies to PM's, ended up crashing early after work and decided to just start clearing the cabinets, as it means a lot of people who made trade offers may want to revise them.

Added over 320 models to the list (not updated here yet) and have some random stuff and two shelves still to list, followed by 2 shelves of Isengard, lots of loose isengard, and a big box of isengard. Then another 2-3 boxes.... Working through it as quickly as I can. Stay tuned. Cheers.

Author:  gaarew [ Sat Jun 14, 2014 7:57 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: gaarew's games room gut-out - looking for Lotr Dwarfs

Double post...

Author:  Leonardis [ Sun Jun 15, 2014 4:22 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: gaarew's games room gut-out - looking for Lotr Dwarfs

Oh man, you have soooo much I want!

Author:  gaarew [ Wed Jun 18, 2014 2:08 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: gaarew's games room gut-out - looking for Lotr Dwarfs

Updated the list with the stuff I've listed, still a pile to go...

Will start going through PM's and offers tonight seeing as I'm off, so if anyone wants to revise their wants, based on the update, do so now ;)

Author:  ja33 [ Fri Jun 20, 2014 1:51 am ]
Post subject:  Re: gaarew's games room gut-out - looking for Lotr Dwarfs

Hi - sent you a pm...I've got a blister of metal Dwarf Kings (NIB) and a blister metal Dwarf bowmen (NIB)

pm me when you get a chance - thanks !

Author:  Da Great MC [ Fri Jun 20, 2014 8:12 am ]
Post subject:  Re: gaarew's games room gut-out - looking for Lotr Dwarfs

Sent you a pm with my updated list of items I am interested in.

Author:  ScarpeIron [ Mon Jun 23, 2014 2:00 am ]
Post subject:  Re: gaarew's games room gut-out - looking for Lotr Dwarfs

Gaarew, sent you a pm a bit ago. Willing to trade?

Author:  Leonardis [ Mon Jun 23, 2014 6:53 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: gaarew's games room gut-out - looking for Lotr Dwarfs

Anyone had a reply?

Maybe he's busy!?

Author:  ScarpeIron [ Fri Jun 27, 2014 3:26 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: gaarew's games room gut-out - looking for Lotr Dwarfs

No reply yet. Perhaps real life and organizing his list.

Author:  Alatar of Rhun [ Wed Sep 24, 2014 10:11 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: gaarew's games room gut-out - looking for Lotr Dwarfs

I have a good lot of dwarf stuff if you want to trade

PM sent

Author:  joshuar_au [ Fri Sep 26, 2014 11:36 am ]
Post subject:  Re: gaarew's games room gut-out - looking for Lotr Dwarfs

Interested in:
Witchking mtd (priority)
Druzhags bats
shadow lord ft and mt
knight of umbar ft and mt
1 particular pose black guard
elladan and elrohir ft and mt
harad horn blower and standard

I have:
Both metal dwarf bowmen you want
The 3 trolls BNIB
18 infantry WOTR trays
11 cavalry WOTR trays

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