The One Ring

Updated Trade Topic 6/29
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Author:  LordoftheBrownRing [ Mon Jun 30, 2014 1:00 am ]
Post subject:  Updated Trade Topic 6/29

Location: Chicagoland, Illinois, USA

Will Trade With: Anywhere, but unless the trade is large, prefer not to ship overseas. Large being at least like 10-15 figures depending on quality.

Haves List:
-9 Black Numenoreans: well painted ; one painted differently to represent Marshall
-Castellan of Dol Guldur: New Metal
-Orc Trackers: Metal base coated I think 3

Fallen Realms:

-2 Easterling Captains: 1 finecast primed ; 1 metal New
-1 Easterling Bannerman: Metal New
-Easterling Swordsmen/Bowmen: Various number in various conditions mostly all have paint in some parts

-Corsair Arbalesters: New Metal
-Haradrim Raiders: 13-14 Spearmen and 13-14 bowmen mostly new some primed
-Mahud Warriors: Probably 12 or so half spear half club New
-Mahud Raiders: 4 New
-Serpent Riders: 8 1 painted mostly 2 primed rest New

-Dunlending command New in package
-Dunlending warrior: 1 New
-Men of Dunland: 6 New in box
-Uruk Hai: Tons of Shields, pikes, some berserkers, scouts, various captains and banners, maybe more....just ask
-Isengard Original Troll Metal primed and some bronze base


-Wood Elf Sentinels: 3 various condition partially painted Metal
-Various Galadhrim/Wood Elves various conditions
-Gwahir Metal Painted like bald Eagle Metal
-Eagle from the Hobbit plastic New on sprue
-Haldirs Elves with bows painted but metal so can be removed: 18
-Arwen: 2-1 painted two handing sword 1-primed with sword in air fighting pose
-Khazad Guard: good amount New
-Iron Guard: 4 new in box finecast Some new metals too
-Vault Warden Teams: Many New Metal
-Dwarf Kings: 3 in 3 poses
-Various Dwarf Warriors
-Gundabad Shaman: New metal
-Cave Trolls: Various material, condition, and pose (NONE holding hammer over head with two hands)
-Lots of warriors of Minis Tirith
-Aragorn the King Mtd and on Ft new metal
-Knights of Gondor: 6-8 painted nicely
-Bolt thrower plent of crew-treb painted and METAL Bolt primed and metal
-Faramir, Captain of Ithilien on Horse primed

-Hobbit hornblower: Metal new
-Merry and Pippin sitting on treebeard(no treebeard lol) metal new
-Farmer Maggot and Hounds: New metal
-Sam and Frodo in Orc Armor Metal New

-Legolas/Gimli on horseback metal primed
-Gandalf the Grey Mtd Metal New (missing tip of hat but I may have it somewhere in my stuff)
-Beorn and Bear New in Box
-Three Hunters, New metal in box
-Wild Warg Chieftan: primed
-All finecast/plastic Preferably New, then primed, then painted well.
-Italics very low priority Bold High Priority

-Dark Marshall on ft and Mounted
-The Mouth of Sauron ft and Mtd
-The Betrayer
-Abrakhan Guard
-Eomer, Knight of the Pellenor
-Guards of the Galadhrim Court(finecast or metal dont care)
Elladan and Elrohir armored on foot and mounted. If you have them only on foot Ill be interested still, just a bit less.

***If you want something I have, and have nothing I want, yet you have something very valuable, just tell me, and I still may trade***

Thanks guys.

Author:  joshuar_au [ Mon Jun 30, 2014 12:40 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Updated Trade Topic 6/29

I have:
Warriors of erebor new on sprue
Théoden mounted, painted

I am interested in:
metal isengard troll (higher priority)
mahud raiders
arwen with 2 hands on sword
Beorn and Bear (lower priority)

I am in Australia, are you interested in trading anything?
Thanks, Josh

Author:  LordoftheBrownRing [ Mon Jun 30, 2014 5:16 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Updated Trade Topic 6/29

Very interested in anything on my list. Pm sent. Shipping might be a bit high(I actually was going to mention Australia being a tough one lol) but we can work something out.

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