The One Ring

Jobu's Haves and Wants- added-axemen iron G gob king
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Author:  Jobu [ Sat Nov 22, 2014 2:59 am ]
Post subject:  Jobu's Haves and Wants- added-axemen iron G gob king

Trade Form
Country: USA

Will only trade/paypal/ship in US only. Identifier numbers are referencing the unofficial LoTR collectors guide.
Updated 3-5-2015

I have tried to arrange by army book
All metal unless noted
Note about stripped models-they are 99% paint/primer free-I go at them with Dawn grill cleaner( formerly power dissolve) and a pin/pick to get all the paint/primer off.
Unprimed means never primed or painted.


Legolas-heroes of helms deep version (now resides in fellowship box set as finecast) - metal-primed black

Arwen with raised sword OOP-stripped

old Radagast-metal-primed black

Ghan Buri Ghan- unassembled unpainted


gimli-heroes of helms deep primed black

Mouth of Sauron mounted-primed and glued to base
Metal fellowship era orcs- 6 sword and shield, never primed.

Dragon-metal-BNIB-somewhat loathe to part with this, but I can't imagine needing two.

Other Non-Lotr stuff to trade for LoTR

Soda Pop Miniatures/ninja division

Relic knights-Hard back Rule book
Not willing to split up factions at this time

Shattered sword all NIB
What you get in the Shattered Sword Paladins Faction Starter:

Relic Knight (Sebastian Cross),
Cypher (Rook),
2 x Paragons,
5 x Sword Sworn,
Quick Start Rules,
Esper Deck,
Tracker Cards,
Data Cards,
5 x Sword Sworn
2 x Paragons
Isabeau Durand
Francis Mallory & Quill

Spartan Games
Covenant of Antarctica old naval starter set, some turrets magnetized but otherwise not assembled.
1 Battleship Model
3 Cruiser Models
9 Frigate Models
2 Bomber Models (including 2 acrylic flight stands)
10 Small Flyer Tokens
40-page Full Color Booklet containing background, rules and model statistics
Stat Cards

1+ means I want more than 1
make offer on how many
Painted, Unpainted, primed or stripped, finecast only if it is unpainted or just primed

Mouth of Sauron on foot
Dwimmerlaik Foot and mounted
The Dark Marshal mounted
1+Hobbit Shirrifs want up to 4
Helmingas command
Golden King of Harad
Beorn in man and bear form
Vanquishers of the necromancer

Fantasy Flight Games
X-wing rebel alliance ships with all cards and stands-looking for a-wings, y-wings, x-wings
open to larger rebel ships as well

Corvus Belli-Infinity
Yu Jing
--The Karakuri special project
-Asuka Kisaragi
-Aragoto Senkenbutai- hacker or regular
-Asuka Kisaragi
JSA support pack-not the yu jing one, I want both the doctor and engineer-don't need the remotes
-Infinity Tokens-regular orders, impetuous orders, camo, to camo, unconscious, mines-prefer MAS but will consider others

Soda Pop Miniatures
Super Dungeon explore
-Princess Malya
-Calico Kate
-Vann drakk manor spawn box

Board game wants
Zombies!!! plus expansion packs

Author:  Jobu [ Thu Dec 25, 2014 3:00 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Jobu's Haves and Wants-relic knights added


Author:  Jobu [ Sun Jan 25, 2015 7:33 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Jobu's Haves and Wants-spartan added-wights gob king


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