The One Ring

Tradelist. Rohan Heroes and Miniatures needed.
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Author:  Natalius619 [ Thu Apr 13, 2017 1:34 pm ]
Post subject:  Tradelist. Rohan Heroes and Miniatures needed.

Hi there, thank you for viewing my trade post. Please see below the miniatures I have to trade and the miniatures I am in need of.

What I have...

All Dwarves from Thorin's Company
Imrahil on foot
Dwarf Warriors
Uruk Hai w/Sword and Shield
Uruk Hai w/Pike
Uruk Hai Captains
Galadhrim Warriors
Rangers of Gondor
The Three Trolls (Bill, Bert and Tom)
LOTR Bilbo
LOTR Gollum/Smeagol

If you are in need of models that aren't on the list above then please feel free to let me know... I have a wide collection and may have what you're looking for.

What I need..

Rohan Outriders foot and mounted
Sons of Eorl
Eorl the Young foot and mounted
Riders of Rohan
Captain of Rohan
Erkenbrand foot and mounted

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