The One Ring

Doopy needs your help: for the Greater Good of LotR!!
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Author:  doop dude [ Thu Jan 17, 2008 6:04 am ]
Post subject:  Doopy needs your help: for the Greater Good of LotR!!

hey all

after his recent promotion on tWC, wolfy has handed the reigns of his project, Middle-earth Role Playing, to me (please not: after much persuasion from me, because i feel he is doing to much, what with SotDL and all!)

so, what i'm asking for is your help with terrain, painting, miniatures, writing and, most helpful of all, play testing! i haven't got wolfy's draft yet, but as soon as i do, i'll send it to all those who are interested.

PM if you are.

rock on (and thanks)

doopy 8)

Author:  Dagorlad [ Thu Jan 17, 2008 11:46 am ]
Post subject: 

Good luck with it Doopy, sounds like you're going to be busy!

What sort of terrain are you thinking of - modular pieces such as wall sections etc, or whole pieces like towers and houses etc? Are these for 'eye-candy' photographs in the book or as projects for people to build?

Author:  tidoco [ Thu Jan 17, 2008 11:52 am ]
Post subject: 

What miniatures are looking at having painted and to what sort of standard are you looking for, I don't mind doing one or two characters if needs be.

Author:  doop dude [ Fri Jan 18, 2008 5:50 am ]
Post subject: 

@ Dagor: i'm looking for both modular and full. there will be a mix of "eye-candy" photos and projects for readers. (maybe i could take some out of EME?) i will also be pitching into this area.

@ Hawk: i'm looking for extremely high standard (which is why i posted this in the first place! ;) ). as for the type, we aren't sure whether to use GW, converted GW or some other suppliers....

(note on the painting: you do not have to post the miniatures to me when you're finished in case someone was wondering!)

rock on (and thanks!)

doopy 8)

any more takers?

Author:  CaptainOfTheWolfRiders [ Fri Jan 18, 2008 12:17 pm ]
Post subject: 

Like I said on TWC, I could do some painting, but if Tim gets involved, I may back out cowardly :oops: ...nah. I merely paint to a higher than average tabletop standard (although some people migt say friends think I'm really good and my ex thought I was terrible).

Hoping you like the meager rles I sent you, and if you're wondering what the devil is up with the Forodwaith, merely ask and you'll get your answer!

Author:  tidoco [ Fri Jan 18, 2008 12:35 pm ]
Post subject: 

Ok mate, well when you know what you want then I don't mind painting a few bits and pieces for you, pm me if you want me to take part. I am still a member of The White City too so I am more than happy to help out. If you want to see what I can do then just check out my gallery.

Author:  High Elf General [ Fri Jan 18, 2008 8:10 pm ]
Post subject: 

I could make some terrain, either modular or a 1 piece thing. Just tell me what you want master :wink:

Author:  doop dude [ Sat Jan 19, 2008 9:12 am ]
Post subject: 

sweet. thanks for the input, all. i will let you know when we need you all.

wolfy has sent me the rules, which are great, no matter how small ;) . i might have to cut out forodwaith though... heheh, just pulling your tail, wolfy! so far i have classes and realms documents.

@ Hawk: those minis are great!! do you reckon you could paint a scene or something with a group of heroes? in a forest maybe. if you can maybe you could get some converted, unnamed heroes?

@ HEG: i just looked at your single piece of work in your gallery. it looks good, and i will be happy to have you on the team.

anything else you/i need to mention, wolfy?

rock on

doopy 8)

Author:  CaptainOfTheWolfRiders [ Sat Jan 19, 2008 11:36 pm ]
Post subject: 

Tug on the wolf's tail long enough and he might turn 'round and bite ye!

Great doopy. I can see if I can write more, but as of right now, I'm swamped. I need to write a scriptfor film class (probably a LotR based one :wink: ), and need to paint a sizable Harad army for a convention in mid-February...which incudes buying and painting a 500 point Corsair AND Far-Harad army in fifteen days...wish me luck, and I wish ye luck as well. Mayhaps by the end of this convention curciut I can spare some pics for your supp!

Author:  doop dude [ Sun Jan 20, 2008 9:38 am ]
Post subject: 

you;d better fill up on the rum or get into some sparrow moods ;) .

I wonder, does he plan it all out or does he just, make it up along the way?

rock on

doopy 8)

P.S: found something you all (and especially wolfy) might be interested in:

it looks pretty good, so yeah, enjoy!

Author:  Gwaryan [ Sun Jan 20, 2008 10:46 am ]
Post subject: 

Heh, I beta tested that game, the graphics are good but I got bored after I while cos it lagged.

Author:  CaptainOfTheWolfRiders [ Sun Jan 20, 2008 12:52 pm ]
Post subject: 

Yep, I've seen it and want to play it!

But on topic, I've done a drawing for TP's Gondor Project that might be able to find its way to this project if you want, a Gondorian Citadel Guardman. That's all...been busy assembling Haradrim and have the glue on my fingers to prove it :roll:

Author:  Dagorlad [ Sun Jan 20, 2008 10:03 pm ]
Post subject: 

Doopy wrote:
maybe i could take some out of EME?
Er... no, sorry.

Author:  doop dude [ Sun Jan 20, 2008 10:22 pm ]
Post subject: 

Dagorlad wrote:
Doopy wrote:
maybe i could take some out of EME?
Er... no, sorry.

that's cool, just asking :) .

yeah whatever wolfy, i've already told you how bad i am at drawing so any would be awesome.

rock on all

doopy 8)

Author:  tidoco [ Mon Jan 21, 2008 8:13 am ]
Post subject: 

I don't know about doing scenes and convos, stock characters are my thing, I tend to wander from bigger projects even though I start them with the best of intentions. I find I can concentrate more on single minis and it also seems to give me a better finished result when I only have to concentrate on one project at a time.

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