The One Ring

LOTRIV Forumgame
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Author:  Thermo [ Sun Nov 11, 2012 7:31 pm ]
Post subject:  LOTRIV Forumgame

Hello everyone from The One Ring forum!

My name is Thermo and I've come across from Firstly, it's not a commercial site, so don't panic! A group of us established the site about 10 years ago after meeting on the Total War forums awaiting the release of RTW.

We all had an interest in strategy gaming, in fact, lot's of our members are wargamers and hobbyists, and we decided to start our own forum strategy games.

Years later we have run countless php and forum based strategy games, including three LOTR games set TA1600 (approx) plus two games set in Europe during the time of Phyrrus (based on Europa Barbarorum) another set during the American Civil War and three games in the Westeros setting of A Song of Ice and Fire (A game of thrones)

We also have various RP based games. It's all free and good fun, we're just looking for more strategists, especially those interested in LOTR LORE to come and get involved in our upcoming LOTRIV ... with 49 playable factions, we've got a lot of room for this one!

Anyway, I hope we can get some good strategists and lovers of LOTR involved and I hope you don't mind me posting here!

Thanks for your time.

Author:  Thermo [ Tue Jan 29, 2013 5:23 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: LOTRIV Forumgame

Now that you guys have got me well and truly into starting sbg, I hope some of you might be interested in some lord of the rings strategy gaming of a different type?

Since I'm the developer of our upcoming LOTRIV game, my progress has been hampered by the infectious quality of this forum's members and I'm well and truly addicted to the One ring site!

However, I have gone back to forumgaming and apologised for cheating on them and for the delay in getting this game ready.

It would be brilliant, if on completion of this free strategy game, I could go back over there with an army of players from the one ring, so I can't be accused of wasting my time here (although I have picked up a hobby that I'm very much enjoying)

Hope to see some of you at the site soon for a nosey, registering your interest for one of the TA1600 factions :)

Author:  Thermo [ Tue Apr 23, 2013 1:53 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: LOTRIV Forumgame

Looking for Minas Morgul, Dol Guldor, Rhun, Khand, Umbar, Dale and Lindon players in a revamped version of what was previously being developed.

So instead of the TA1600 setting, events in this strategy game will take place with your favourite characters just before events in Lord of the Rings.

Be great to see some of you there supporting my project. It's completely free, good fun and takes up very little time. The game is designed for very little admin or player management! Should be launching in a month :)

Author:  SouthernDunedain [ Tue Apr 23, 2013 5:17 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: LOTRIV Forumgame

Might wanna check your sig link mate, Chrome threw a hissy fit and screamed Mal-ware at me when I clicked it.

Author:  Hashut's Blessing [ Tue Apr 23, 2013 8:57 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: LOTRIV Forumgame

Already shon interest over that - but haven't a firggin' clue what to do or how it works, lol :P

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