The One Ring

28mm Saxons or Vikings as Dunlendings?
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Author:  Ceolwin of Rohan [ Mon Mar 28, 2011 2:03 pm ]
Post subject:  28mm Saxons or Vikings as Dunlendings?

I'm a bit of a cheapskate when it comes to gaming. I have a house and 3 kids to raise so I'm always on a fairly tight budget.

I was thinking of getting some 28mm Saxons or vikings and passing them off as Dunlendings. Would this be a good idea, I'm not sure about the proportions of the models and whether they would fit in with my other LOTR stuff.
The models I am thinking of using are either Wargames Factory Saxons and Vikings or the Plastic Vikings from Gripping Beast.

Any thoughts on this guys?

Author:  Oldman Willow [ Mon Mar 28, 2011 2:49 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: 28mm Saxons or Vikings as Dunlendings?

We all have tight budgets now. Look at ancient Germans too.

Author:  whafrog [ Mon Mar 28, 2011 2:52 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: 28mm Saxons or Vikings as Dunlendings?

A friend of mine had some painted for him, and they look great. I didn't notice any size or proportion differences.

Author:  BoromirofIpswich [ Mon Mar 28, 2011 5:15 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: 28mm Saxons or Vikings as Dunlendings?

On top of the financial savings, you also get the nucleus of an historical army should you ever venture away from fantasy gaming (odds are your Vikings will at some point end up fighting your mates Romans, so it will still be fantasy gaming in some form:)

Author:  kidterminal [ Mon Mar 28, 2011 5:44 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: 28mm Saxons or Vikings as Dunlendings?

You should pick them up. They are very nice (both manufacturers) and relatively inexpensive.

Author:  Ceolwin of Rohan [ Mon Mar 28, 2011 7:56 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: 28mm Saxons or Vikings as Dunlendings?

Thanks for the input guys. Think I'll go for the Gripping beast ones. I can pick those up in my local gaming store for about £16.50, and you get 44! in the box :P

Author:  hithero [ Mon Mar 28, 2011 9:44 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: 28mm Saxons or Vikings as Dunlendings?

Gripping Beast are fine models but more heroically proportioned than Warlord Games or Wargames Factory, WG and WF fit in a bit better with lotr models.

Author:  Xelee [ Tue Mar 29, 2011 6:47 am ]
Post subject:  Re: 28mm Saxons or Vikings as Dunlendings?

I have sixteen WOTR bases worth of them of them and find them much better proportioned compared to the majority of my GW stuff than some individual sets in the LOTR range. I don't really see them as a budget option, I like them far better than what GW did. Even before we get to price.

I got mine for Carn Dum but I think I would have got the Saxons (though that cross is annoying) for Dunlendings.

And yes, they can be used for histocials and luckily a GW WOTR base (@ 11.5cm frontage) is pretty much the correct size to use as is for a Basic Impetus or Impetus Viking army. Good times to be had there.

Author:  Ceolwin of Rohan [ Tue Mar 29, 2011 7:23 am ]
Post subject:  Re: 28mm Saxons or Vikings as Dunlendings?

Gonna go with the Wargames Factory one then, 32 for £13.05. I want the proportions to look right with the other figures I own.

@Xelee - Do you have any pictures of your models mate, could you post some pictures?

Author:  Xelee [ Tue Mar 29, 2011 7:36 am ]
Post subject:  Re: 28mm Saxons or Vikings as Dunlendings?

I haven't seen WF Vikings but have their Celts and do not like them, details were soft on these and poses seemed to end up weird for me. I have seen some weird things (puffy sleeves!) in some photos of WF stuff, but this was by grongnards so perhaps they might have been working from the worst example they could find as part of a general crusade on all plastics.

Photos are on my blog, try the gripping beast tag: ... ng%20Beast

And this one has side by side units of GW and GB: ... ingdom.JPG

Author:  geezer of rhun [ Wed Mar 30, 2011 1:27 am ]
Post subject:  Re: 28mm Saxons or Vikings as Dunlendings?

I've been slowly working on some WF vikings as Dunlendings.
I bought some sample packs a long while back...
I agree that there are proportional issues (some arms don't match up), but I think they will fit in nice with the rest of the GW models I already have. The price was good, too. For what I paid I would have got a lot less form GW!
It will be a small group with a mixture of: bows, 2 handed axemen, shields, capt and banner.
What I do like is the ability to mix and match arms, weapons & heads.
I'll post pics when I can find the time to finish them.

Author:  kidterminal [ Wed Mar 30, 2011 5:23 am ]
Post subject:  Re: 28mm Saxons or Vikings as Dunlendings?

You should add some of WF Saxons too.


Author:  Ceolwin of Rohan [ Wed Mar 30, 2011 10:06 am ]
Post subject:  Re: 28mm Saxons or Vikings as Dunlendings?

My Riders of Rohan and Eomer on foot arrived in the post today. guess what I'm going to be doing :P

Club night tonight, off to play some Flames of War. Gonna grab a box of vikings while I'm there, so I'm gonna be very busy :D

here's some pics of my stuff I have done already:
(click the thumbnail for a bigger image)

Image Image Image

Author:  Beowulf03809 [ Wed Mar 30, 2011 2:31 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: 28mm Saxons or Vikings as Dunlendings?

Xelee, I like your Reunited Kingdom pic above. I wanted to ask you about some of your movement trays. Some look like GW standard but for others I can't tell if they are custom made or if you just modified the GW ones. The models on some bases look more staggered than normal, but it may be an illusion of the angle. I have been wanting to dive into some custom bases that don't line up the models quite so cleanly but it's just very hard to do so without compromising the size of the base by much, but TBH I don't even have enough "free time" right now to get my purchased GW bases painted and flocked half the time, much less adding in custom base building too. :-) I'd be interested to hear about yours.

Author:  Xelee [ Wed Mar 30, 2011 7:20 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: 28mm Saxons or Vikings as Dunlendings?

Hi Beowulf03809, they are custom and are simple to do. The theory is that anything that might be used for skirmish/other games with different basing gets based the GW movement way now, while everything else (which is most of my LOTR figs) gets permanently fixed to bases. This is mainly the Vikings/Dunlendings but I am also doing my Celts/Wildmen this way.

So those bases are just wood cut to size, with gapfiller spread over them (Selly's no more gaps or Bostik gap-filler are the ones I use), the gapfiller is a is rubbery when set so is very durable. Then I stick the figs in that, along with the other basing bits like the rocks, branches, flagstones. Paint with sand + paint obviously, then statc grass, flock. I am not very adventurous in that regard, but if you have a look at some of the basing on Craig's Wargaming blog and Kruger's Creations, you will see some much better tips and nice examples. I am the 'rough' wargamer out of our group. :) We do like how it lets us vary the formations. TO handle Epics, we just design clearly marked 'command companies' with space for the Epic to be placed.

I also like how it protects the figs. A large base is much more stable and you can ensure that most (hard to do with some cav) fragile bits do not overlap the base edge. We mark casualties with a set of smaller dice. Setup is easier too. I find using the process above to be much quicker than doing individual 25mm bases for the figs, then doing up the WOTR tray. I just get a group of bases, stick on the layer of gapfiller and just press everything into that. I am getting the hang of making the bases look better, the Gondor ones were my first try. I like the Rohan Cav unit I did better.

Author:  Raukov [ Mon Apr 04, 2011 2:05 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: 28mm Saxons or Vikings as Dunlendings?

gripping beast plastics are excellent quality minis but their heads are too big. like, way too big.

Author:  Beowulf03809 [ Mon Apr 04, 2011 8:43 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: 28mm Saxons or Vikings as Dunlendings?

Raukov wrote:
gripping beast plastics are excellent quality minis but their heads are too big. like, way too big.

So they match a lot of the swords on GW's Heroes. 8)

Author:  fritskuhntm [ Wed Apr 06, 2011 1:13 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: 28mm Saxons or Vikings as Dunlendings?

Looked into this myself after seeing Thryden Wolfsbane's stats...but I read some GW Tournement rules that exclude any non-GW models or even conversions that aren't mostly GW. I don't know if those rules are universal, or just for big, official tournements (?) It seems some 40K folks get real picky ('heaven forbid you use LOTR bitz' I read somewhere)...maybe LOTR gamers are more mellow? I can't speak from experience--and hopefully it is not an issue for you. Something to look into if you want to keep that option open.

Author:  kidterminal [ Wed Apr 06, 2011 5:25 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: 28mm Saxons or Vikings as Dunlendings?

Official tournaments are run by Games workshop their purpose is to get you to buy GW miniatures. So no non GW figures allowed.

Author:  Ceolwin of Rohan [ Thu Apr 07, 2011 9:14 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: 28mm Saxons or Vikings as Dunlendings?

Games workshop can kiss my [word deleted] tbh.

I have no intention of entering any tournaments and if those little redshirts at Lenton attempt to shoo me out the door then I'll do my very best Cave troll impression :P

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