The One Ring

Throwing spears: can they support?
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Author:  Raspberrygoop [ Wed Sep 05, 2012 11:21 am ]
Post subject:  Throwing spears: can they support?

Howdy fellas.

I have some Warriors of Rohan, and while I was -sure- that I read about Throwing Spears at some point, I can't find the paragraph anymore in either the ORB or the KoM Sourcebook.

- I assume Throwing Spears can be used as a S3, 6" Throwing Weapon. Can they also be used to support allied troops like regular spears?
- If you could direct me to the page in the rule book, that would be most helpful.


EDIT: First time poster. Lovely to be here, I'm looking forward to showing off some of my models.

Author:  SidTheSloth [ Wed Sep 05, 2012 11:28 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Throwing spears: can they support?

hi raspberrygoop 8)
welcome tot he one ring :D 8)

no they cant be used for spear support

MoM rulebook says: A model armed with a throwing spear cannot fight through another model as can regular spear armed model [p45]

i hope this helps :)

Author:  Raspberrygoop [ Wed Sep 05, 2012 11:35 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Throwing spears: can they support?

Ah, there it is. I had a faint recollection that that was the case.

Many thanks.

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