The One Ring

can units that fire in the shoot phase then charge ?
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Author:  DEMONSBANE [ Wed Aug 20, 2014 9:05 pm ]
Post subject:  can units that fire in the shoot phase then charge ?

Newbie question, just playing through training games with my son ( who is having a blast killing dads goblins :) ). I think I got this down,
figures that do not move can fire in the shoot phase without penalty. If you move then you have a penalty units that move cannot missle fire and charge an enemy, thereby startung a due, but can roll and defend normally if attacked (that includes causing damage) Soif you fire and move canyoustill charge abd start a duel, or havin fied precludd from starting a duel ?
figures that do not move can fire in the shoot phase without penalty.
If you move then you have a penalty to shoot , units that move then cannot missle fire and charge an enemy, thereby starting a due, but if charged, you can roll and defend normally if attacked (that includes causing damage).
So if you fire and move can you still charge and start a duel, or having fired precluded from starting a duel ?

Author:  Frêrin [ Wed Aug 20, 2014 10:08 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: can units that fire in the shoot phase then charge ?

I don't really understand the question.
If you are in base to base contact with an opponent, it counts as a full movement.
Furthermore you move in the movephase, shoot in the shootphase and fight in the combatphase, so if you are able to shoot, you aren't in base contact and after it you have no chance to get into base to base contact (without a heroic combat etc.).
Hope this solves your porblem.

Author:  Barrel Rider [ Wed Aug 20, 2014 10:26 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: can units that fire in the shoot phase then charge ?

I think you've got a bit confused at least I did in your wording there! :) How it goes down is that models on the priority winning side move in the Movement phase. After they are done the next player moves his models. If you have a model with a bow you can either elect not to move or move up to half the distance stated in that models profile. After that the player who moved first gets to shoot in the Shoot phase. He may only shoot with models armed with bows (obviously!) and only if that model has not moved or moved up to half its movement. Any model not armed with a bow or that has moved his full movement cannot shoot. Then the next player does the same with any archers he has. After both sides have shot the Fight phase begins.

So in a shorter way of saying it No models can only charge in the Movement phase. A model that wants to charge after shooting must wait until the next turns Movement phase before he can charge! Hope this helps and don't be afraid to put up any other questions because we all started there once! Enjoy the hobby and don't let him kill all your Goblins!

Author:  Hodush [ Wed Aug 20, 2014 11:44 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: can units that fire in the shoot phase then charge ?

It is as Barrel Rider says. You cannot shoot if your archer is in base to base contact (he has been charged or has charged).

In real life, you might be able to get a shot away before they charge you, but in the game when someone charges it is always taken to mean that the person charges in before they can draw their bow and fire.

If he is not in base contact, then he can fire if he can see a target - remember that good models don't want to risk hitting another good model so won't shoot through or into combats.
Once you have picked a target, then you take into account if the archer moved at all and apply the +1 to hit.

Author:  JamesR [ Wed Aug 20, 2014 11:55 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: can units that fire in the shoot phase then charge ?

As the others have answered before me have said a model cannot fire and then charge.
I hope this clarifies further for you.

The order of the turn goes
Priority Roll off. The Player with the highest roll goes first (Player 1)
Player 1 moves
Player 2 moves
Player 1 shoots
Player 2 shoots
Combats are fought
start over again.

The only time models move is before the shooting (there are a few exceptions but those need not be discussed here as they're advanced rules). And a model can only shoot if they're not already in base contact with an enemy. So a model cannot shoot and then move as you've already passed the movement part of the turn.

I hope that helps.

Author:  Grungehog [ Thu Aug 21, 2014 12:56 am ]
Post subject:  Re: can units that fire in the shoot phase then charge ?

There are only two models in the entire game which can shoot whilst in base to base contact with an enemy(locked in combat)

That would be the watcher in the water and warg marauders, these models have their own special rules stating why they are exceptions.

Other than that if you do not move in the movement phase intending to shoot but an enemy charges you, you cannot shoot in the shoot phase as you are considered to be fighting for your life, not taking time to aim.
In other words you may only shoot if you are not in contact with an enemy, you move before the shoot phase, therefore it is impossible to shoot then move.

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