The One Ring

Knocking Down - Noob Questions
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Author:  Salattu [ Fri Feb 03, 2017 11:41 am ]
Post subject:  Knocking Down - Noob Questions

A few noob questions:

1. If a dragon charges Treebeard, will he knock down Treebeard if he wins the fight?

2. If Warg rider charges a wild warg chieftain, will he knock down the chieftain if he wins the fight?

3. If dragon charges ringwraith on fellbeast and wins, will he knock down both fellbeast and the ringwraith and will that cause the fellbeast to flee as rider drops to ground?

4. Can Treebeard somehow knock down a dragon?

5. If fellbeast charges dragon and wins, will he knock down the dragon?

Author:  TheEggman [ Fri Feb 03, 2017 3:19 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Knocking Down - Noob Questions

Salattu wrote:
1. If a dragon charges Treebeard, will he knock down Treebeard if he wins the fight?

No. Dragons are Monstrous Cavalry, and only knock down other monsters whose strength is LESS than their own. S7 Dragon vs. S8 Treebeard means he stands.

Salattu wrote:
2. If Warg rider charges a wild warg chieftain, will he knock down the chieftain if he wins the fight?

No. Cavalry do knock down infantry, which the Chieftain is, but only if they are S5 or lower. Being S6 means the Chieftain also stands.

Salattu wrote:
3. If dragon charges ringwraith on fellbeast and wins, will he knock down both fellbeast and the ringwraith and will that cause the fellbeast to flee as rider drops to ground?

Again, depends on the strength of the beasts, as in Question 1. If Dragon's strength is greater, the beast and wraith will be knocked down and the beast will flee. If it's equal, then no.

Salattu wrote:
4. Can Treebeard somehow knock down a dragon?

Not that I know of.

Salattu wrote:
5. If fellbeast charges dragon and wins, will he knock down the dragon?

No. Strength is less than or equal to the Dragon's.

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