The One Ring

Where to go from here?
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Author:  Deus Mortis [ Mon Aug 28, 2017 6:08 pm ]
Post subject:  Where to go from here?

I'm waiting for my NIB two towers starter to arrive in the mail, but want to known what should be my next step with the 2 armies?
Should Rohan stay mounted or add some ground troops?
I imagine isengard is just more foot troops w/ some warges sprinkled in?

Also what are the main differences between the Rulebook that comes with that starter and the new hobbit rules?

Thanks and looking forward to getting into SBG!

Author:  Men are weak [ Thu Aug 31, 2017 5:42 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Where to go from here?

So should Rohan stay mounted or add some infantry? I think it's always best to have at least the option to add infantry if desired. Rohan can be played as an all Cav force, but you probably do want some infantry painted. If for no, other reason, then to have models available should your troops become dismounted (by shooting, spells, combat, etc.). Or you can play Rohan as a part cav/part infantry force.

Isengard is indeed mostly infantry, but Warg Riders are a good cav option.

So you're getting a starter box circa 2002? If so, the rule changes between then and now are pretty substantial. Changes include the way Courage works, spell effects, heroic actions, monsters, and special strikes are some of the big ones. I'd try to find a mini-rulebook on eBay if possible, that was included in the Escape from Goblintown boxed set. It's probably cheaper than the hardback Hobbit: An Unexpected Journey rulebook, and it's the current ruleset (until next summer). Or just wait until next summer for the new "Middle Earth SBG" rules.

Author:  Klench [ Tue Sep 05, 2017 11:56 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Where to go from here?

The Two Towers starter box is awesome.
However, be sure to pick up the new rules and warband books because abilities have changed. That being said, the book that comes with the starter box is going to help you understand most of the game and the book is really awesome because it comes with great artwork and scenarios.
Thoughts on the isengard force - my favorite. If I remember, you'll get some berserkers and pikes. Berserkers are perhaps the best troops Isengard has. Double strikes, high courage and defense 6. Tough to kill. Those pikes allow you to support beserkers in a fight. In the new rules, you can give them crossbows. Love the versatility. If you get 700+ points, get Saruman and Grima. BTW, I don't see lots of warg riders on tables that I play. When I get to 1,000 points, warg riders start appearing, but only after Saruman, Grima,Vrasku, Captains and Shamans. That being said, War Riders with Sharku are lots of fun and I've had many friendly games at 500 pts or less spreading the table and skirmishing until I find my opening to charge.

Thoughts on Rohan - tough army to master but thematically fun. Put Rohan on horses because that's what Rohan does...they fight on horses and can throw spears and shoot. Lots of players will field Erkenbrand and Eomer. You don't see a lot of Theoden models on the table. His stats aren't as good as the other two heroes I mentioned.

Paul Rozumski
DCHL (DC Hobbit League)

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