The One Ring

Suggestions About My First Army
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Author:  enderw30 [ Thu Oct 19, 2017 4:32 am ]
Post subject:  Suggestions About My First Army

So I’m new and just picked up the main rule book. I think for my first collection I am going to collect for the Battle of Helms Deep. Here is the list of what I want for this. Any suggestions? You can ignore the prices and where the miniatures will come from. Also those are sets not numbers of miniatures.

Author:  Great Wulf [ Sun Oct 22, 2017 3:59 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Suggestions About My First Army

Welcome to the game! What rule book do you have?

Start by playing small games to see if you like the style of play. As for purchasing the models look on eBay can get some really good deals.

Author:  enderw30 [ Sun Oct 22, 2017 12:40 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Suggestions About My First Army

Thanks for the reply! I have the formerly comprehensive hardback blue rulebook. I’m more interested in the original trilogy over the Hobbit so I didn’t get the most recent Hobbit one, though now I wish I had since apparently there are updated rules. I have seen that an even newer rulebook is being released soon. Is there any word as to when? Also since reading more after posting this I’m considering buying the Mines of Moria box set.

Author:  GreatKhanArtist [ Mon Oct 23, 2017 4:18 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Suggestions About My First Army

Uruk Hai are generally regarded as the vanilla troop, the one that has the ideal mix of stats and points cost. They are also easy to paint and easy to find. You only need to buy a handful of colours, and can mix some to highlight or shade as appropriate. Their commanders and captains can be bought cheaply on e-bay, often for a few dollars a piece. You can convert a banner bearer by using masking tape and painting it black.

When you decide you are ready for more advanced rules, you can add a box of warg riders for cavalry, since they are also in the Isengard list. You can buy most poses of Saruman cheaply on ebay and he will add some magic to your list. Berserkers can be found rather cheaply on ebay as well. You can also buy a box of siege troops, which will give you some berserkers to play with and bombs to open up the world of siege warfare.

I would put off buying expensive boxed sets like the commanders and the xbow men for a while. If you really want bowmen, buy a box of uruk scouts. The battering ram can be made from a piece of doweling sharpened and then blunted on the end with bamboo skewers stuck through it. Just use your pikemen who will inevitably have their pikes snap off to carry it.

Another great tool is the now out of print "Battle Games in Middle Earth" magazine. The first 20 or so issues can be found quite cheaply on e-bay, often in a number of languages. They provide rules, simple scenarios and simple terrain projects. Don't be put off if you don't have the minis listed, you can learn the rules with any faction--although the forces may be a bit unbalanced.

Author:  GreatKhanArtist [ Mon Oct 23, 2017 4:27 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Suggestions About My First Army

It seems like you are itching to play Helm's Deep. The first few issues of BGiME mag (above post) detail raids on Rohan farms by uruk-hai and are a great place to start. You can also build a simple palisade with either popsicle sticks or bamboo skewers when you are ready for it.

Haldir can be bought for a few dollars off e-bay. I would buy used high elves from the Last Alliance set, which can be bought cheaply and paint them to match Haldir in reds and golds instead of blue and black. *Much* more affordable than the metal ones! Unfortunately, mounted Rohirrim are expensive on the secondary market and often damaged. You can look forward to buying a box of them as a treat once you have mastered the basic rules. (Mounted Rohan is considered one of the most difficult armies to play, as they are very fragile on the defense.) On the plus side, you need 1/2 to 1/3 as many defenders as besiegers for most scenarios, so a box of used or new foot men of Rohan will fill that need.

Many of the colours used on your uruk-hai can be used to paint the rohirrim, though of course you will need to buy some green!

Happy Hobbit Hobbying!

Author:  enderw30 [ Mon Oct 23, 2017 4:31 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Suggestions About My First Army

Great suggestions. It seems like Uruk-hai are a pretty good way to go in terms of a Evil army. I really like Rohan but I hear they are more difficult to play correctly. I may consider an army of elves. I'm about to move to Hawaii so unfortunately I'll probably need to provide both armies if I want to play with people.
I have One rulebook. I wish I had gotten the newest Hobbit rulebook but c'est la vie. I hear that a new rulebook is coming out soon so I may get that. I haven't seen any definitives about it's release though.

Author:  enderw30 [ Mon Oct 23, 2017 4:45 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Suggestions About My First Army

So apparently I’m still learning the mechanics of this forum as this is my third attempt at a reply. Thank you for the suggestions I like the idea of building gradually so I don’t get overwhelmed by too many miniatures. Helms Deep has always been one of my favorite fight scenes which is the reason I have my heart set on that. Plus I have always loved the Rohirrim. It’s too bad they are considered difficult to play. I am definitely sticking with the Uruk-Hai as my evil side though. Since I’m moving to Hawaii I’ll probably need to supply both armies until I can get someone else into it!
I have the One rulebook. I wish I had bought the newest Hobbit one. Oh well. I hear an even newer one is coming soon. Any word on when it should be printing?

Author:  enderw30 [ Fri Oct 27, 2017 6:56 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Suggestions About My First Army

I keep trying to respond but don't seem to have luck. I think it has something about my first 3 posts being reviewed. Anyways I just bought the Mines of Moria starter set to begin and am going to build Helms Deep armies as I go along. The siege of Helm's Deep is probably my favorite fight scene which is why I want to recreate it.
I have the blue One rulebook. I hear another is coming out soon. Is that the case?

Author:  enderw30 [ Mon Oct 30, 2017 3:17 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Suggestions About My First Army

Sorry for all the replies that are very similar to one another!

Author:  ja33 [ Mon Oct 30, 2017 4:19 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Suggestions About My First Army

Hi - there is rumored a new rulebook coming sometime next year, but the One Rulebook (Blue one) is quite out of date, and I'd recommend picking up either the main Hobbit rulebook (hard cover) or the small pocket size version that comes in the EFGT set. Get yourself onto eBay and you'll likely be able to get one - used - and for a good price - I'd say look to spend about $30 on the hard cover, or maybe as little as $10 on the small version.

I wouldn't wait until next spring/summer as there's no time like the present to get up to speed and start playing and enjoying games !

good luck

Author:  Great Wulf [ Tue Oct 31, 2017 9:45 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Suggestions About My First Army

The small blue book will be fine if your playing amongst friends, in our group we only use it as we are not a fans of the hobbit or warbands.

Play the blue book, Start at 250 points, then work up to higher points. Just sit tight and wait for the new book. :-D

Author:  Lord Hurin [ Tue Oct 31, 2017 3:21 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Suggestions About My First Army

Uruks are awesome, and cheap as people have said. I love the Scouts, but admittedly they aren't as good stats-wise. They are cool and themed though, and I have a lot of them.

They aren't strictly themed for Helm's Deep, but Saruman, Lurtz, Ugluk and Mauhur are cool Heroes that you might like for basic points matches.

Author:  enderw30 [ Tue Oct 31, 2017 3:58 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Suggestions About My First Army

I think my plan is to use the blue book until the newest one comes out. Although, I will be using the warband rules in the interim. I'm going to pick up Saruman eventually for sure. My Mines of Moria set just arrived but unfortunately I won't be able to do anything with it for about a month since I am in the midst of moving.

Author:  polywags [ Thu Nov 02, 2017 9:23 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Suggestions About My First Army

Exciting stuff! If you're going to get a Saruman I'd try to grab the mounted one, some crossbow uruks, and some uruk berserkers or feral uruks. They're really, really good models and even if you just sprinkle a couple in its worth it. Also really fun to model and paint, the hands and a like. I always really enjoyed them in the films too so it's always exciting to get them down and raging on the table.

Author:  Radagast The Dane [ Mon Nov 20, 2017 11:50 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Suggestions About My First Army

I am new to the game as well :D

I just got the Hobbit hardback, and i can read from this topic, that there is a new rule book coming. When??
The book: The Hobbit: Motion Picture Trilogy There and Back Again is it worth getting?

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