The One Ring

New to Isengard - crossbows?
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Author:  Biadetic [ Sat Nov 04, 2017 9:13 am ]
Post subject:  New to Isengard - crossbows?

Hi there everyone hope you're well.
Just getting stuck into SBG and getting an Isengard list together. Was after advice.

Why is Vrasku and crossbowmen so popular? Bow limit is 33% right?

It's just when I look up lists everyone talks about getting these guys in to it.

Also what is a standard competitive Isengard list like?

And finally, is Saruman and a troll in less than 700 points being greedy?

Thanks !

Author:  Wan Shi Tong [ Sat Nov 04, 2017 5:45 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: New to Isengard - crossbows?

The bow limit is 33%, baring some exceptions. Crossbows are the highest strength, man portable, range weapon in the game. You exchange the ability to move and shoot in the same turn for a 3/6 odds against low armor troops. Plus they come with heavy armor of their own. That means they are good at dealing with other archers and heavily armored stuff like knights, trolls, and heroes. Crossbows are a very effective way to achieve board control and forcing your opponent to move how you want them to. Vrashu is really good to bring because he has a crossbow that lets him shoot twice in the shame turn.

As for what a competitive list looks like that depends on what you are supposed to do with it. Generally the fighting focused lists are comprised of berserkers as their main infantry with pikes and crossbowmen with pikes in support. I do not recall the trolls seeing much use in competitive lists since Isengards basic captain can, with magic support, square off with even high level heroes.

Author:  polywags [ Sun Nov 05, 2017 3:55 am ]
Post subject:  Re: New to Isengard - crossbows?

I just played some games at my first event today and got savaged by a couple rounds of crossbow shooting. Went from comfortably winning to one of breaking in one round of shooting o.o

Author:  bruceqn [ Sun Nov 05, 2017 2:41 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: New to Isengard - crossbows?

A) Give crossbows pikes so they can support...otherwise, they could be useless after round two. Simple conversion.

B) To get real use of them, your tactics must change to Stay Put and make the enemy come to you. That will not work with most Objective Scenarios.

C) That said, Pikes can defend objectives really well.

D) Vrasku took out my Nazgul on Fell Beast in one lucky round. Might points with two S4 crossbow shots is deadly.

E) the friend who did this has such a bad opinion of normal crossbows that he does not use them anymore--or minimally. He is very experienced with Isengaard.

Author:  Biadetic [ Fri Nov 10, 2017 6:20 am ]
Post subject:  Re: New to Isengard - crossbows?

Thanks for the replies guys! Found some battle reports to watch that included crossbows and they seem to do decent work when taken in a big enough unit. Definitely food for thought.

Got a small tournament coming up, so just trying to find a decent army list. :)

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