The One Ring

SBG - clarifying charges
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Author:  jscottbowman [ Wed Dec 05, 2012 9:17 pm ]
Post subject:  SBG - clarifying charges

...all pages refs refer to MoM mini-rulebook:-

p16 Who Can charge, states;
" a warrior can charge any enemy model... he can 'reach' "

p15 - 3rd paragraph down on left, under moving models states;
" Once a charger has moved to within 1" of an enemy model, he must complete his move into contact..."

Regular Charge
So, if my orc is 6.5" away from his target... he moves his 6" move, and gets within (inside of) 1" from his target of his charge...
IS he;
a) then 'sucked' forward into contact and can thus fight?
b) is he simply unable to charge, and can at most move 5.5" towards his target, stopping 1" from his target?

Charge Across an obstacle
My orc, is 5.5" away from his target enemy model, but a fence separates the two. The enemy model is 1.5" further from the fence...
The orc charges, reaches fence, rolls a (2-5) to cross the fence, but stops on the other side, and is now within 1" (is actually half an inch from) the enemy model.
Does the orc:
a) get 'sucked' forward into contact with enemy model and thus now fights
b) stays where he is having crossed the fence, no fight occurs
c) having rolled a (2-5), is unable to complete the charge, so cannot approach within 1" if not charging, and therefore is unable to cross the fence and can only move up to it and stop. No combat occurs.
[obviously had orc rolled a 6 to cross a fence he could have continued his charge into contact without issue]

I am grateful for an clarifications.


Author:  Draugluin [ Wed Dec 05, 2012 9:31 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: SBG - clarifying charges

If you cannot complete your charge, you cannot charge at all. In the second example you could move your orc a little to the side before jumping the fence. You cannot enter a ZoC unless you can finish in base contact.

Author:  theavenger001 [ Thu Dec 06, 2012 2:43 am ]
Post subject:  Re: SBG - clarifying charges

Yep, no 'sucking' can occur. If you cannot finish in base contact, you cannot move into the control zone. Though the jumping over a barrier one is interesting, becuase you have the chance to get into base contact. But, if you roll (2-5) and cannot, it's already too late to move down the line and jump over at a different place. So, for the second one I would say that you would be within half an inch of your opponent, but wouldn't fight.

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