The One Ring

Stupid Newbie--Bow Limit?
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Author:  JPRoth1980 [ Sat Jan 05, 2013 4:41 pm ]
Post subject:  Stupid Newbie--Bow Limit?

Is the bow limit per army or per warband? I ask because the rules as listed on page 100 of the new BRB does not seem to mention warbands, but things like the FAQ seem to state otherwise.

In other words, if I take two warbands of 12 Hunter Orcs (note that the FAQ changes the bow limit to 1/2), can one warband be entirely armed with bows or am I limited to six archers per warband?

Author:  Elessar Telcontar [ Sat Jan 05, 2013 4:52 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Stupid Newbie--Bow Limit?

The bow limit is for each allied faction.

For example, if you had an army of Minas Tirith, Durin's Folk and the Shire, 33% of your Minas Tirith Warriors could have bows, 33% of your Durin's Folk Warriors could have bows and 33% of your the Shire Warriors could have bows.

Does it make sense?

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